In-Person Events Like Motorcycle Rallies Continue To Proceed As COVID-19 Rages On

Motorcyclists are just like everyone else when it comes to places that are opening back up. They have been stuck inside their homes and want to hit the open road. Therefore, providing that they can do so safely, a lot of areas might be hosting biker functions throughout Florida for the remainder of the year. There are plenty of them already scheduled, including but not limited to:
• Ride For Recovery 2020 In September
• Biketoberfest Daytona Beach 2020 In October
• The 22nd Annual Bikers Bash In December
Due to the increased volume of motorcycles at these events, accidents between them and passenger vehicles can occur. Nothing is forgiving about the incidents for riders. They sometimes sustain severe physical damage such as broken bones and head, neck, or back injuries. On other occasions, it is not uncommon for motorcyclists to get killed in collisions with cars, trucks, SUVs, and tractor-trailers.
Stats That Show The Dangers Presented To Florida Motorcyclists
According to the Traffic Crash Facts from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), Florida saw 9,143 motorcycle crashes in 2018 alone. Those led to 7,849 injuries and 531 fatalities. Before that, in 2017, there were 9,707 wrecks, 515 deaths, and 7,725 injuries. Do you see the common theme? Motorcycles don't have many of the modern features that keep car drivers and passengers safe. They do not come with airbags, seat belts, rearview cameras, or much of anything else.
As such, when accidents occur, riders get thrown into the air or dragged across the concrete. They can hit trees, roadside barriers, and the cars that struck them. Those who are lucky enough to escape the events with their lives intact usually have long and expensive roads ahead of them to recover.
Should Victims Hire Motorcycle Accident Attorneys?
Whenever drivers are negligent, victims can recover compensation for their damages. Haggling with insurance companies can be quite challenging, though. Many times, they deny people’s claims for little to no reason and avoid paying out fair settlements. Insurers don't seem to mind taking advantage of folks in their time of need. Some companies try to get injured parties to sign documents, which relinquish their rights to compensation.
Others use delay tactics to get victims to agree to low settlements after they start to run out of money. Many people cannot work following motorcycle accidents. It is often challenging for them to cover regular bills and medical expenses when unexpected injuries arise. Don't get left feeling as if you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Instead, contact our office to schedule a free consultation.
Our firm has been representing injured Floridians for over 30 years, and we will proudly do the same for you. If you get injured from no fault of your own in a motorcycle accident, please do not hesitate to call. We will do everything in our power to recover sufficient compensation so that you can get better and pay your bills. Fees are only owed when restitution is awarded—a percentage is deducted from the winnings and never comes out of your pocket.