Is Your Luxury Car Riding Okay In Florida? - Lexus NX Crossovers Recalled

But how is your vehicle riding these days? Does it feel like a bucking bronco each time you get behind the wheel? In other words, do you think you're going to bounce into another lane when you drive down a side street or highway? If that's the case, the machine probably needs tender loving care. Something needs some maintenance or a repair because that isn't right, and it could only be a matter of time before the issue causes you to wreck.
Perhaps a pothole knocked a piece out of whack one day. Or maybe you hit a speed bump at the grocery store too quickly. Then again, you might not have done anything wrong for your car to begin acting up. That's because the problem could stem from a defective manufacturing process.
Lexus NX Crossovers Recalled For Missing Spot Welds
How is it even possible for cars to be missing spot welds after coming off the assembly line? That's a question everyone should be asking the company behind the Lexus brand. According to Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, there are approximately 4,215 Lexus vehicles in circulation, missing spot welds between the body panels and front shock absorber mounting areas. This may not seem like a very big deal, but it can be, especially if the shock absorber separates from the mounting area.
If that happens before or while driving, a loss of vehicle stability can occur. And when people lose control, that is when accidents are possible. An incident will probably leave your luxury car beat up and mangled. It likely won't even resemble its former self. Meanwhile, injuries could come about as well. Ailments vary between crashes, but common wounds people sustain in them include fractures and broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, whiplash, etc. So, if you want to keep all those troubles at bay, now is the perfect time to stop driving your Lexus and get it checked. The 2022 models in question include:
• NX250
• NX350
• NX350h
• NX450h+
Manufacturer Liability Info
Did you know that manufacturers are responsible for the harm their products cause? It's true. A legal concept known as manufacturer's liability holds each business to that. Hence, if you get into an accident from no fault of your own, but rather, your car was to blame because of missing spot welds or something else, you might have the grounds to seek compensation. If restitution is recovered, you won't have to worry about paying for damages and injuries out of pocket.
Some Final Words
Have you recently been injured in a vehicle because of manufacturer negligence, or do you believe that to be true? And would you like to file a lawsuit against the responsible party to recover compensation? Contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury attorney today. They will be more than happy to discuss the matter and lay out your options for you. So, don't delay any longer. Instead, give us a call and let our team fight to recover the money you're owed.