Repercussions Of Lacerations Caused By Slip And Fall Accidents

Lacerations often occur in auto accident injuries. Broken shards of glass, sharp twisted metal, or flying projectiles in a vehicle may lead to lacerations during those tense seconds an accident occurs. However, it may be difficult for one to see how a slip and fall may result in lacerations as well. During a slip and fall, an individual hits the ground with a not insignificant amount of force. Should this person fall onto a sharp piece of metal, stick, rock, or other debris, this may result in a laceration. If a person goes to reach for a railing or other surface as they fall, a sharp edge may lead to a laceration. If a person falls into a ditch or hole with debris, a laceration may be one of their injuries as well.
How Are Lacerations Cared For?
While a cut or skin abrasion will need to be cleaned and treated with some type of antiseptic ointment, there is little else to be done to help along a safe and healthy healing process. Lacerations take quite a bit more care.
First and foremost, a laceration will need to be treated to stop or limit bleeding until medical intervention begins. These deep cuts can cause significant and sometimes dangerous bleeding. A tourniquet should be made to keep pressure on the wound until an injured person can be treated.
Once the injured person is at the hospital, doctors and nurses will begin working to stop bleeding so the wound may be cleaned and assessed. While cleaning the wound, medical professionals will remove any debris while addressing just how deep the wound goes and if any damage has been done to muscle, tendon, or tissue. In some instances when muscle or tendon damage is detected, surgery may be the next step in order to limit long-term damage.
If surgery is not necessary, medical professionals will then typically stitch the wound back up. Deep lacerations may require a number of stitches, often more than the one, two, or three seen in superficial cuts. After stitches have been placed, the wound will be treated with antiseptic medication and dressed to keep infection out. Dressings for lacerations will typically need to be changed daily with infection checks to catch any infection before it gets out of hand.
Long-Term Repercussions Of Laceration Injuries
While most lacerations will heal without long-term repercussions, this isn’t all. A laceration suffered in a slip and fall accident that reaches muscle or tendon tissue may lead to the need for prolonged medical care and could result in long-term disability. A laceration to the hand, for instance, that cuts through tendons in the thumb could cause a person to have permanent limited use of that hand for a prolonged period of time.
Slip and fall accidents happen quickly, and they can be devastating. If you’ve been in a slip and fall accident that resulted in a laceration or other serious injury, contact us at today to see how we can help.