Main Reasons Why Social Security Disability Claims Can Be Denied

Meanwhile, on other occasions, people manage to fill out and submit the applications. Then, when they finally get responses, they learn that their claims have been denied. The next step is to appeal the decision, which can be quite a task in itself. But thankfully, Floridians don't have to face these matters alone. Instead, they can hire Social Security Disability attorneys. These professionals can help:
• The injured or ill that want to determine if they're eligible for benefits
• Those who wish to apply for SSDI
• People wanting to appeal denials
Hold tight if you want to know what firm can help you with such matters in SW Florida. That information will be coming up at the end of the post. But before we get to it, let's look at some of the more common reasons why Social Security Disability claims get denied.
A Lack Of Medical Evidence
One of the primary reasons why Social Security Disability claims are denied is because of a lack of medical evidence. Those who wish to qualify for the benefits must prove they have a disabling condition that prevents them from working. That means applicants can't simply say they can't work, and that's that. Instead, they must receive a qualifying diagnosis from a medical professional such as a doctor or psychologist.
When a person doesn't have that, their claim will be denied more often than not. Even with a diagnosis, claims can get denied if they're insufficient. So, just remember that it is your job to prove you're disabled, and if you can't, no SSDI payments will be coming your way.
Not Following Your Doctor's Orders
So, you received the disability diagnosis you were hoping for, now what? Next, you'll need to follow the treatment plan given to you by your doctor to a T. Failing in this regard is not an option if you want benefits. That's because the Social Security Administration will deny your claim if you don't cooperate. The disabled must show that they are trying to get better through physical therapy, counseling, etc.
Earlier Denials And New Claims
Some individuals don't bother with the Social Security Disability appeals process. Rather, they simply fill out applications and file new claims. This is not the way to go about it. The person reviewing your application will see that you've applied before and been denied. Then, they will once again give you a denial.
All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. If you reside in SW Florida and need to determine if you're eligible for SSDI, an attorney from All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., can help. A lawyer from our organization can also assist with the application or appeals process if that's what you require. So, don't delay any longer. Give us a call to schedule a consultation today.