National Disability Independence Day - Honoring The Impact Of ADA

In some cases, disabled people are also harmed in accidents and this can raise even more questions. Will accepting money from an injury settlement affect a claimant’s disability benefits? Does this type of benefit matter in a case outcome? The best way to get answers for disability questions is to speak to an experienced SSDI attorney to find if you are entitled to compensation for your disability to enhance your life and we can help you every step of the way.
National Disability Independence Day - 32 Years Of Progress
Today is a special day for those who live with or know someone with a disability. Every year on July 26, we celebrate National Disability Independence Day. This act was signed in 1990 by President George H. W. Bush and prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several essential areas.
These areas include: employment and workplace, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government programs and services.
This law was life-changing for many people, and today one in four Americans with a disability can now access and participate more fully in their workplaces and communities. The act created a movement that helped to reject cruel attitudes and advocated for disabled people to gain full access to opportunities in education, public life and employment.
By creating new building code requirements, ADA has aided the disabled in gaining access to public spaces, businesses, and workplaces as communities improved buildings and infrastructure in a variety of ways from wheelchair access, to systems for the vision impaired.
Invisible Disabilities
The A.D.A. defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that limits life activities. However, not all disabilities can be seen in fact many people have a disability that is non-visible. It can be debilitating to live with chronic pain, renal failure, diabetes, a sleep disorder, anxiety disorder, learning disability or a mental illness.
The ADA, which built on the earlier Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was a major step for the betterment of all people with disabilities. This earlier law protected disabled people by prohibiting recipients of federal funds from discriminating against people with disabilities.
National Disability Independence Day is important to all Americans and reminds us all the impact a disability can have on things we take for granted, how to empathize more with our fellow Americans that have a physical or mental disability.
How The ADA Improved Quality Of Life And Independence For the Disability Community
Although there is still much work to be done in the areas of employment for those with disabilities, there is reason for optimism. Recent changes in the work environment such as increased remote employment, flexible scheduling, and reliance on computers have helped work from home models. For disabled people who are housebound or without transportation these changes have made a significant difference to their lives.
• The addition of structural enhancements, such as elevators, ramps, U-shaped door handles, and lever-operated and door-push mechanisms have made a difference in being able to commute, work, attend school, stores, entertainment and civic venues of all kinds.
• Access to information throughout public life has expanded due to the widespread use of sign-language interpreters.
• The ability for students of all ages to attend and remain in school with access to large-print books, zoom text and orated exams.
• Access to entertainment and educational performances has improved, with the use of earphones and audio description devices.
ADA And The Internet
Access to the internet has become essential in day-to-day modern life. ADA has motivated improvements to online access and functionality increases availability to the disabled community including:
International standards organization the World Wide Web Consortium originally introduced its web content accessibility guidelines in 1999 to improve the online experience for a range of disabilities including hearing, sight, movement and cognitive ability and has been updating these and strive for greater diversity and inclusion in technology and website design ever since.
Google announced in 2020 that user experience will impact website search ranking adding yet more incentive for companies and organizations to ensure their sites include more accessible features, content and designs.
More and more groups within the public and private sector are sharing online resources to help improve the digital accessibility and skill development of disabled individuals.
The ADA network comprises 10 regional centers which help the disabled on a national level is just one network to expand accessibility and inclusion in our country.
How To Get Involved
Busness owners be sure that your workplace and customer areas are full accessible for physically disabled patrons and employees.
Be considerate to people living with a disability and Refrain from making assumptions about someone with a particular disability
Respect each other’s right to confidentiality about the abilities of someone with a disability or medical history
Encourage a person with a disability to speak up about any mistreatment they have gone through
Have a happy National Disability Inclusion Day and remember to include the disabled community on a daily basis for all Americans.
Help For Disability Claim Denials
If you have been denied your Social Security Disability claim, All Injuries Law Firm may be able to help. Attorney Bryan Greenberg can assist you with all aspects of getting your rightful social security disability benefits.