Florida Drivers Help Keep Students Safe - National School Bus Safety Week

So, when is the National School Bus Safety Week? The program is scheduled to take place on the third week of October each year. People just recently had to flip their calendars to September, but August showed everyone that a month can go by in the blink of an eye. Hence, we're discussing this topic now so that everyone can get prepared for the occasion.
National School Bus Safety Week is an excellent time for guardians/teachers to talk to kiddos about staying safe while riding or walking to the bus. But what on Earth should they tell them? Obviously, the answer to that will vary, depending on who you ask. However, we're sharing some tips in the following sections. So, hopefully, they'll help if your mind draws a blank.
Never Walk Behind The Bus
Most of us know that passenger vehicles have blind spots. We also know that commercial trucks have what are referred to as no passing zones. As for the latter, who could forget? Many trailers have signs posted on them, telling motorists to steer clear of particular areas. School buses have sites where drivers can't see approaching vehicles or pedestrians, and one such place is behind them.
Therefore, children need to be taught to not walk behind school buses, as doing so could be a disaster. When people are struck or run over by vehicles, they can get seriously injured or die. Thus, it is vital that pupils be told the safest place to walk is in front of a bus, where they'll be seen by the driver and others.
Don't Retrieve A Dropped Item On Your Own
Students usually carry backpacks, books, papers, etc. home with them daily. There's nothing wrong with that, but what if a child drops an item near or under the bus? If they bend down or crawl under to retrieve it and nobody knows, an accident could occur. So, tell your little one to always tell their bus driver when something gets dropped. The adult should recover the item, keeping the student out of harm's way.
Stay Seated And Keep Appendages Inside The Bus
School buses purchased after 2001 are required to have seat belts in Florida. Therefore, it is quite possible that the one your child is riding is equipped with the restraints. If that's the case, it's a good idea to tell your youngster to wear the belt at all times when the vehicle is in motion. The devices are designed to prevent injuries and deaths, so it's easy to see why this aspect is so important.
Also, at some point during the National School Bus Safety Week, it probably won't hurt to discuss keeping arms, heads, and other appendages inside the vehicle. You don't need to get too graphic with the story, but if they ask why, you can mention severe injuries if a wreck were to occur. Your words carry weight with your kids. So, make it a point to have a bus safety conversation with them this October.
Some Final Thoughts
If your child has been injured by negligence in a Florida bus crash, your family may have the grounds to seek compensation. Would you like to find out? The winnings can be perfect for covering medical bills, final expenses, and more. Contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., to schedule a free case evaluation today.