To Stop Drunk Driving Florida Pharmacists Declare War On Alcoholism Month

Most people don't want to be in the middle of collisions. They go out of their way to use drive safely and cautiously to keep events at bay. However, when intoxicated drivers are on the roadways, accidents happen. Often, the tipsy person doesn't even realize he or she is doing anything wrong. Yet, in reality, these motorists swerve in and out of lanes, speed, or sometimes drive under the speed limit.
They crash into cars, pedestrians, tractor-trailers, etc., and don't always realize it. Then, after the damage is done, if their rides are operable, drunk drivers frequently just drive away, leaving victims to fend for themselves. Death is a common outcome of drunk driving crashes. According to research, there were 11,654 people killed from drunk driving accidents in the United States in 2020. That is certainly a large number and one that increased 14-percent from only the year before. So, won't you join us in cutting down on such incidents. Let's use these tips to make drinking and driving a problem of the past.
Don't Consume Alcohol
One of the easiest ways to ensure that you don't get behind the wheel buzzed in Punta Gorda is not to consume alcohol. You don't have to get intoxicated to have a great time dancing, dining out, or doing other things. Instead, surround yourself with good people who are fun and entertaining. That will ensure there's excellent conversation and amusement all through the night. This may seem like a no-brainer, but we are still talking about the dangers of drinking and driving in 2022. Hence, not consuming alcohol is a sure-fire way to ensure you aren't the culprit behind a drunk driving accident.
Stay Out From Behind The Wheel
So, you don't see yourself giving up beer or spirits. That's okay too. Perhaps there is something else you can do to avoid drunk driving accidents, though. Rather than getting behind the wheel of your car to go home after a night out drinking at the club, why not schedule a ride with an Uber driver? Lock your vehicle up and let the person take you home. Then, you can return in the morning once you're sober to retrieve your ride.
But don't fret if Uber isn't your cup of tea. There are other ways you can get home too. For instance, you could always contact a Punta Gorda taxi service to take you where you need to go. Or what about enlisting the help of a friend? People can get acquaintances to be their designated drivers. They'll remain sober throughout the evening, while you drink as much or as little as you like and drive you home after everything is said and done.
Some Last Thoughts
With the tips and awareness that come from Pharmacists Declare War on Alcoholism month, hopefully, Punta Gorda will see fewer drunk driving accidents afterwards. However, if an intoxicated motorist strikes you, all may not be lost because you might have the grounds to seek compensation from them. Contact All Injuries Law Firm to schedule a free case evaluation with a personal injury attorney. They will happily discuss your options with you so that you can determine how to proceed.