Port Charlotte’s Summer Storms Bring More Accidents Along With All That Rain

Florida No Fault Insurance Laws
In the state of Florida, no fault insurance laws are observed, and this means that in cases of minor accidents, a driver’s own insurance policy will cover their medical expenses and missed work wages. With vehicle accidents, there are all types of injuries a person may find themselves suffering from, and even injuries considered minor can mean a great deal when it comes to medical costs.
A broken leg, for example, can cost a person hundreds or thousands of dollars depending on their level of insurance, and this is an injury that can be fairly minor. During a car accident, a driver or passenger hitting their legs or knees on the dashboard or steering wheel is a fairly common occurrence, and this means that you could find yourself facing a broken leg rather easily.
Whether it’s a broken leg, a sprained wrist, or a particularly nasty case of whiplash, the insurance policy you keep on your car should be able to cover the medical costs you’re facing.
Insurance Settlements For Automobile Accident Injuries
One thing that is important to remember when it comes to insurance paying for automobile accident injuries is that insurance companies will try to settle for the least amount possible. At All Injuries Law Firm, we want to help you to get the maximum amount, or closest to the maximum amount, for your injuries as possible, as this will be the only way your medical expenses and lost wages will be fully covered.
With the help of an attorney, negotiating with the insurance company for a proper settlement becomes easier, and you’ll find that you can be more easily walked through the negotiations process as well. Insurance companies will have their own attorneys on the case looking to minimize your settlement, so the help of an attorney for your own cause can make sure that your claim is handled fairly.
Serious Injuries And Negligent Drivers
Let’s say we’re experiencing another rainstorm, and you are in an accident caused by a driver going far over the safe speed limit for the conditions outside. The speeding driver hits your car, and you’re left with injuries resulting in permanent disability, disfigurement, or excessive scarring. It is only in these instances that you can place blame on the negligent driver in a court of law, and you’ll want an attorney by your side during this process as well. With excessive injuries such as these, drivers will be able to seek different types of damages and greater compensation settlements in order to cover the injuries they sustained, but in order to do this, he or she should have the proper evidence and the right representation.
At All Injuries Law Firm, we want to help you to get the settlement you need to recover from your injuries, as well as get on with the quality of your life. If you’ve been in an accident and you’re fighting with your insurance company for a proper claim settlement, or you’re looking to bring a lawsuit to a negligent driver for serious injuries, simply check us out at All Injuries Law Firm today.