Preventing Personal Injury at the Beach this Summer

Unfortunately, even the most basic and routine beach outing can end in disaster and injury if you don't have a few important safety tips at the top of your mind.
Water Safety
Water safety is a hot topic every summer because of the massive increase in water activity participation, including swimming, boating, kayaking, tubing, and so much more. However, the water can pose a significant threat if you aren't aware of a few basic safety tips.
First, you should learn to swim before hitting the water. You should also always have a buddy with you, so you never find yourself in the water alone. For all of your water-related activities, it is also recommended that you use a lifejacket and never use inflatables in the ocean.
If you have children, never leave them unattended and don't use any substances that could affect or impair your judgment at any time.
Drowning is the fifth leading cause of injury and death in the United States and non-fatal water injuries, and accidents can also occur if you don’t follow proper water safety habits.
Land Safety
Now that you know a few tips on how to stay safe in the water this morning, you also need to learn what to watch out for while lounging or playing on the shore.
Always be mindful of your surroundings. If you are walking or even cycling, you need to be aware of where the people are. Use caution and watch where you step.
While at the beach you should also use plenty of sunscreen while in the water or on land. Sunscreen helps protect your skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Using a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher is generally recommended, but make sure to read the label to see how long it is effective for. The higher the SPF level you choose, the better.
Is there a lifeguard on duty? Perhaps you should set up your area close to the lifeguard tower for a little added protection on the land and in the water.
Risks at the Beach
For some added protection and a little more useful knowledge to take with you on your next trip, we have compiled a few more trips to remember before hitting the beach.
As you enter the ocean, be sure to drag your feet. This will cause any stingrays to swim away and prevent you from becoming injured.
However, if you are careful but do still get stung, exit the water and use a clean cloth and add some pressure to the area.
Remove any barbs there may be and then soak your wound in hot water. If you somehow received barbs in either the chest or abdomen while swimming, do not attempt to remove these. Instead, seek help and medical attention.
While walking along the shore, you should also do what you can to protect your feet. There may be sharp rocks and shells. Aqua shoes are always a good idea and can also help protect your feet against the hot sand.
Dehydration is another huge risk you may face while out at the beach. To combat this, make sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Drinking caffeinated beverages instead of water will only dehydrate you more.
Finally, just practice safe habits, whether you are swimming, boating, lounging, or tubing. Following these tips will help you start out your summer vacation the right way by keeping you safe while having fun at the beach.