Protect Your Financial Interests- After An Injury; Work With A Skilled Attorney

The goal of the insurance company is to get you to settle your claim for the lowest amount possible. The attorney you hire should be a skilled negotiator. Your attorney can make a big difference in what you recover in your personal injury settlement.
A personal injury attorney experienced in personal injury settlement knows how to negotiate to maximize your recovery. As part of your Port Charlotte injury settlement, your attorney can seek recovery for lost earnings, medical bills, and other expenses. In the event your lawyer cannot negotiate an acceptable settlement, your lawyer can file a personal injury lawsuit in Port Charlotte on your behalf to recover the damages you have suffered.
Whether or not a case settles does not necessarily affect the amount of damages you recover. But by settling, you can avoid the time and costs associated with a trial.
To increase the likelihood of collecting more for your damages, seek representation by an attorney skilled in personal injury settlements.
What your claim may be worth
In Florida, the person who injured you can be held responsible for the following:
- Medical expenses
- Time lost from work, including time spent going to medical appointments or therapy
- Any property that was damaged, such as your vehicle
- The cost of hiring someone to do household chores when you could not
- Any permanent disfigurement or disability
- Your emotional distress, including anxiety, depression, and any interference with your family relationships
- Any other costs that were a direct result of your injury
Generally, personal injury settlement proceeds are not taxable as personal earnings, though there are some exceptions your attorney can discuss with you. Speak to the All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. for the help you need with these matters.
For questions about personal injury litigation contact the personal injury lawyers of All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. as soon after your injury as possible. We know how to evaluate your case and can fight effectively for the justice and fair compensation that your deserve.