Protecting Senior Drivers In Florida

Five Tips For Senior Driving Safety
Many seniors can prolong the time they can be on the road by following these simple tips:
• Stay Physically Active: Daily activities such as walking, stretching and strength training are great choices for seniors. These activities improve strength and flexibility making it easier to look around, back up the car and turn the steering wheel.
• Don’t Use Your Cellphone: Distracted driving is a common cause of accidents. While driving, don’t lose focus on the road. Even eating and adjusting the radio can distract the senior long enough to cause an accident.
• Get Regular Hearing And Vision Tests: We all know that as we age, our hearing decreases and our vision worsens. Some conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma make it hard to see when driving at night. Schedule hearing and vision tests as recommended by your doctor
• Maintain Good Health: Chronic conditions such as diabetes and seizure disorder can impact driver safety. Know the side effects of your medication. Certain medication will affect the seniors driving ability.
• Keep You Driving Skills Updated: Many places offer driving courses for Seniors that can help keep them up to date on their skills. Updating your driving skills with a refresher course for Seniors can even earn you a discount on your car insurance.
If you become confused while you're driving, concerned about your ability to drive safely, or others have expressed concern, it might be best to stop driving. Consider taking the bus, using a van service, or taking advantage of other local transportation options. Giving up your car keys doesn't need to end your independence. Instead, consider it a way to keep yourself and others safe on the road.
Senior Drivers And Auto Accidents
Seniors do tend to have lower accident rates than other drivers. The primary causes of these accidents are also different, as senior drivers rarely speed or drive recklessly. Most elderly driver accidents are caused by the following:
● Driving through a red light or stop sign.
● Driving below the speed limit.
● Unexpected braking.
● Failure to yield.
● Driving on the wrong side of the road.
Regardless of your age, accidents happen, and the elderly are not treated differently.
When A Senior Driver Gets Hit
Elderly drivers are not treated any different than any drivers when it comes to accidents with a few exceptions. Usually, senior drivers suffer more injuries and sadly, should the accident claim the senior’s life, the family will receive a lower compensation due to a shorter life expectancy. Furthermore, the insurance companies will look for ways to blame the senior simply because of their age, even if the accident isn’t their fault. They will look into the senior drivers eyesight to see if it meets driving restrictions. They will gather information on the senior’s physical and mental conditions and medications. Driving and accidents will also be reviewed. Anything the insurance companies find they will use against the senior, no matter the details of the accidents.
Therefore, it is really important that seniors work with a qualified attorney after an accident. At All Injuries Law Firm we are committed to providing excellent care and expert experience to take on your elderly auto accident. We understand the nuances associated with crashes caused by senior drivers and will fight to make sure you are treated fairly. Contact us at one of our Southern Florida offices for a review case review and to learn how we can help you.