Raising Awareness For Amputation Injuries In SW Florida

Join us through the month of April for participating in Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month, our spotlight on limb loss, and limb difference in our community by supporting awareness of people who are adapting to a new life being an amputee.
Created by the Amputee Coalition, to increase awareness in the community of the vital needs of amputees for advanced equitable medical access, care, and coverage.
Limb loss affects people of all ages, income levels, and backgrounds in our communities. The need for connection and support has increased within the limb loss community.
An Increasing Number Of People Must Learn To Live With Loss Of Limb
It is estimated that by 2050 the number of people living with limb loss will nearly double and it is estimated that nearly 500 people a day lose a limb.
There are ways that you can become involved in limb loss awareness in your community. Just visit the Amputee Coalition Website for a complete list of April activities to show your support.
Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtags #LLAM, #LLLDAM, #WeTHRIVE, and #NoAmputeeAlone.
Common Causes Of Accidents That Lead To Amputation or Loss of Limb include:
Traffic Accidents - Auto accidents that may have occurred from being in or near any form of traffic including crashes with motorcycles, trains and or bicycles and pedestrians.
Workplace / Construction Accidents - Working conditions that are hazardous and involve loading, and transporting equipment that is heavy can cause an employee to hurt themselves or lose a limb. Also, the surroundings of a site can also be hazardous due to cranes and other machinery.
Electrocution Accident - Electrocution can lead to the amputation or loss of a limb, serious electrocution accidents can destroy blood vessels in a matter of seconds. If the affected part of the body is not treated immediately surgery and amputation may be necessary.
Agricultural Accidents - Lawn Mowers at agricultural sites can cause unfortunate accidents that may require immediate removal of a limb or extremity.
Explosive Accident - Any type of explosive accident first one must treat blood loss.
Medical Malpractice - An amputation as the result of a negligent doctor. For example, removing a limb may have only become necessary because of poor post-surgery infections like gangrene.
In Some Cases Amputation Can Save A Life After A Traumatic Injury
Surgical amputation is always a last resort, but for many it has saved their life. In some instances, an amputation is performed after an initial injury has lasted for many years. For example, an individual has undergone a major joint reconstruction a few years later, health complications arise and their state worsens and joint replacement will have to be performed and surgery is necessary to remove the limb. However, the bone has weakened over time and cannot withstand the pain that comes along with proper surgery, making surgical amputation the last option.
The loss of a limb may result in a significant amount of blood loss, immobilization, physiological effects, or even death. The most common amputation or loss of limb occurs in the upper or lower part of the knee. Amputations are irreversible and many people require prosthetics or reconstructive surgeries after going through a catastrophic incident.
This kind of amputation can take the life you once knew and turn it upside down. There will be extreme discomfort and psychological distress as well as time away from work and also struggling with all areas of daily life. Amputee victims face extreme hardships when coping with their loss and in most cases there was no warning for their injuries.
There are approximately 1.8 million Americans who have had amputations which include extremities of the arm, leg, hand, foot, finger, or toe. The most common type of amputation is loss of the leg, above or below the knee. There are currently millions of people who have experienced an amputation and are forced to live without a limb in the U.S. to date. With 185,000 amputations per year, this number is expected to increase due to the constant occurrence of hazardous accidents on a daily basis. According to statistical data over the past year, there was a 32% increase in the number of amputees performed through the year 2014.
The steps to recovery are extremely rough and the pain and suffering does not stop after your surgical pain has healed. Emotional distress, loss of quality of life, and emotional trauma create an arduous battle for the healing amputee. Not to mention that the future may never be the same as it was before your accident. An amputee may not be able to perform the same work duties that they once did before their accident.
When an amputation involves the loss of a body part including the hand, foot, arm, or leg as the result of an injury then it is a traumatic amputation. When there has been an accident and a traumatic amputation is necessary often the limb is severed or damaged severely at the scene of an accident in this case surgical amputation is often necessary.
The most common reason for surgical amputation is due to complications that occur with the blood vessels. This happens when the blood supply to the limbs has been cut off and necrosis begins to appear thus causing the tissue to die prematurely. In order to save the patient's life, surgical amputation is often necessary. In many instances, the bone or tissue has been so badly damaged that reconstruction is no longer possible.
Long-Term Therapy & Recovery For Loss Of Limb Patients
Recovering from an amputation is not easy. Along with the long amount of time it will take to heal from your wounds, there will be mental and emotional stress. Lack of movement and less energy can lead to lower personal and emotional energy and enjoyment.
Pain and Suffering From Injury
Besides the physical pain from the injury, there will be mental anguish that cannot be quantified. Victims from amputation injury can seek compensation for their injuries and for the physical and emotional pain they have gone through as a result of their injury.
If you have lost a limb in a serious accident due to negligence, you may be able to recover compensation from those at fault. If a driver caused a wreck that resulted in an amputation that motorist will be held responsible for the injuries that they have caused. Also, if a construction company has failed to implement or enforce adequate safety protocols and a worker or a subcontractor has suffered a traumatic amputation as a result, the company may be held liable for its negligence. When it is the responsibility of the victim to prove that the other party was negligent and this negligence caused an injury an accident attorney should be contacted immediately.
Different Types of Amputation Injuries
Injury Involving Upper Limbs:
An amputation can be performed on the body’s limbs or extremities. The two areas are the upper and lower parts of the body.
Shoulder Disarticulation - The amputation of the entire arm at the shoulder level.
Forequarter amputation - Similar to the shoulder disarticulation also includes the removal of the shoulder, the collarbone, as well as the shoulder blade.
Trans-humeral amputation - The amputation of the upper arm between the elbow and the shoulder.
Elbow disarticulation - Amputation of the elbow joint
Wrist disarticulation - Amputation of the wrist joint
Metacarpal amputation - This is the partial removal of the hand, where part of the hand is removed and the wrist is intact.
Lower Limb Amputation:
Referring to the amputation of the leg, foot, or toes.
Pelvic amputation - This is known as hemipelvectomy, which is a type of lower-extremity amputation and it includes the removal of most of the pelvis area and the legs as well. There are two categories of pelvic amputations:
Internal - Where the legs are kept intact but a part of the pelvic area is removed
External - The leg has to be removed along with part of the pelvis
Hip disarticulation - The leg is amputated through the hip joint
Transfemoral amputation - Amputation occurring through the thigh bone
Ankle disarticulation - Removal of the ankle joint
Transfemoral amputation - Amputation occurring through the thigh bone
Digit amputation - Amputation involving the removal of the toe or partial removal of the tip of the toe or finger
Medical Costs Associated With Amputation Injuries
Your medical expenses can include anything associated with your recovery including immediate hospital bills, diagnostic testing, medical prescriptions, physical therapy, surgical operations costs, and even long-term care facilities. No matter the nature of the amputation injury that has been sustained the cost will vary. The medical bills along with the arrangement of the prosthetics needed and other long-term care items, as well as rehabilitation and therapy can be substantial and should be compensated for.
According to studies conducted by the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, the medical costs associated with amputations are over $90,000 for the first two years alone, and also $ 500,000 over the victim’s lifetime. These costs do not include physical therapy, psychological therapy, prosthetics, and other costs which total as much as $ 40,000.
When loss of future or current earnings is added to the lawsuit the cost is devastating. There are other hardships to bear such as depression, anger, and stress that can take a toll on your mental health and physical levels. Personal and social relationships can be strained as a result and patients have to learn coping strategies from trained psychologists. This can also be expensive and time-consuming.
Negligence & Liability For Amputation Injuries
An injury that may have led to the amputation may be eligible for claims or lawsuits against responsible parties and you the victim may be eligible for compensation and damages for your pain and suffering.
If you or a loved one has suffered from amputation and you were not at fault, our law firm can fight for your compensation.
If your accident was due to negligence of a driver, employer, medical professional, or another party, there are laws that are designed to hold those at fault accountable and protect your rights.
Get Compensation For Your Amputation Injury
Proving who was at fault can be a daunting task when you are recovering from a catastrophic injury. Under Florida law, personal injury claims must be filed in a timely manner due to constraints of the statute of limitations.
If lawsuits are filed after the statute has passed your claim may be dismissed. Therefore don’t wait too long before contacting an attorney.
Given the large expenses associated with treatment, and recovery from an amputation the insurance company may attempt to rush through an unfair settlement offer; this means to get what you are owed under the law you will need an experienced attorney or team of attorneys on your side.
If you have suffered a traumatic amputation because of another's negligence contact the experienced amputation injury lawyers at All Injuries Law firm today. Our attorneys have a proven record of success in complex cases where an amputee is involved.