Rear End Collisions And The Dangers Of Whiplash

Is Whiplash A Real Injury?
Despite what we see on sitcoms, whiplash is a very serious injury that can cause long term damage. Often, because of the reputation that is isn’t a real injury or simply an injury that has been exaggerated, the average person doesn’t understand the severity of the injury. Medical professionals, on the other hand, do recognize how serious this injury can be and the effects it can have on a person’s life.
What Is Whiplash?
Whiplash happens in rear-end collisions. The force of the collision often causes the driver or passengers’ heads to move in a quick back and forth motion. This motion causes strain, sprains, and even tears to the muscles, ligaments, and vertebrae in the neck and spinal column. These injuries can cause severe pain, restrict movement, and may even lead to long-term issues.
How Do I Know If I Have Whiplash?
The best way to know for sure if you have whiplash after a rear end collision is to seek the help of a medical professional. A medical professional can diagnose your condition and help put together a treatment plan. Remember though, the symptoms of whiplash can appear days, even weeks, after the accident. So if you’ve been rear ended keep an eye out for these common symptoms:
● Stiffness in the neck
● Reduced range of motion of the neck
● Headaches and migraines
● Fatigue
● Dizziness
● Disorientation
● Difficulty chewing or swallowing
● Blurry vision
● Insomnia or oversleeping
● Irritability
● Depression
● A tingling or burning sensation in the limbs
If you experience any of these symptoms, you need to speak to your doctor immediately.
What Happens If I Am Diagnosed With Whiplash After My Accident?
If you are diagnosed with whiplash after an accident, your doctor will set a course of treatment. This can cause a lot of complications in your life. First, medical treatments are very expensive and an injury like whiplash may require diagnostic testing, pharmaceuticals, and physical therapy. These bills can add up very quickly and if your whiplash is severe can collect over months, even years of time. Secondly, you may find that the injury gets in the way of your ability to live your normal life. You may not be able to work normally, which could lead you to lose out on the much needed income to pay for your bills.
Why You Need To Speak With A Personal Injury Attorney
Even in a comparative fault state like Florida, rear end collisions are always caused by the other driver’s negligence. Basically that means, that if the other driver rear ends you and you end up with whiplash, they are responsible for paying for the expenses associated with that injury. Sadly though, it isn’t so cut and dry with the insurance companies. Since Florida is a comparative fault state, the insurance companies will try to use the law to get out of paying for your injuries. They like many others won’t treat whiplash as seriously as the medical community. In this case, your best bet is to speak with an attorney.
At All Injuries Law Firm, we specialize in helping whiplash victims. Our expert attorneys have over 30 years of dealing with these insurance companies. We will help prove that your whiplash is serious, show how much it has cost you, and negotiate for a fair settlement to get you compensated for those costs. If you’ve been in a rear end collision, give us a call at 941-625-4878 for a free consultation to learn more.