Reasons To Hire An Attorney After A Trucking Accident

Additionally, if the trailer is packed incorrectly, the weight can shift when the driver takes a turn or curve too quickly, which in many cases, causes the truck to flip. Unfortunately, this action is a recipe for disaster for the eighteen-wheeler and cars in the nearby vicinity. Injuries that are common in trucking accidents include...
• Burns, Cuts, Contusions
• Whiplash Or Other Neck Injuries
• Broken And Fractured Bones
• Internal Bleeding Or Organ Damage
• Loss Of Limbs
• Death
These trucks are necessary as they get items to store shelves for consumers to purchase. Without them, people wouldn't be able to run out and buy groceries, clothing, and other necessities. There are laws in place to keep the streets safe. For instance, operators can only drive for a specific number of hours, and they must maintain a log book to record those hours. Additionally, semis also come equipped with black boxes that keep track of particular functions. However, the drivers spend a lot of time on the open road, so it is easy to see how they can become drowsy or distracted.
Truck accident victims don't have to hire an attorney to receive compensation for their damages. However, the action can prove to be beneficial in a variety of different ways. For one, logistics companies usually have lawyers on retainer, which means they are ready and waiting for such instances to arise. These firms stop at nothing to prevent their client from paying out a hefty compensation sum. They delay the proceedings hoping that the victim runs out of money and decides to settle for a less than fair settlement amount.
These legal teams even include fine printing in documents that attempt to sign a person's right to compensation away. The items usually don't hold up in a court of law, but still, they can bring the procedures to a crawl, and when time and money are not on your side, the ordeal can be a nightmare. So, consider hiring an attorney to keep these unpleasant occurrences at bay. It is always a good idea to let a lawyer review any documents presented to you, especially before applying your John Hancock.
Our firm has over 30-years of service in representing Florida's injured. The team will exceed your expectations with friendly, professional, and courteous assistance. Don't just accept these words though. Feel free to read previous client testimonials, review the results section on our site, and ask friends or neighbors about their experiences. We offer free consultations, and personal injury claims are paid on a contingency fee basis. Therefore, you only pay if the case wins. Our service areas include...
• Venice, Punta Gorda, Arcadia
• Port Charlotte, Fort Meyers, Sarasota
• North Port And Englewood
A trucking accident can become quite complicated as one or more parties may share in the blame. Instead of getting stressed out and overwhelmed, put a proven commodity on your side. Our attorneys have an outstanding reputation among their peers and throughout the Florida legal community. Many times, the other party settles out of court rather than allowing us to get in front of a jury with the injured plaintiff. So, give the office a call or contact us via our web page and discover your options today.