School Bus and Pedestrian Safety

It is when this hurried feeling of pedestrians and motorists alike get in the way that can cause accidents that could have otherwise been avoided if proper care was taken.
Dropping Off the Kids
If you drive your children to school, to avoid any accidents, you should always follow the proper drop off procedures as designated by the school. Never double park your car because doing so can block visibility for others. Never load or unload children on the side of the road by the school, and it may be beneficial to carpool to and from school to reduce the number of vehicles in a hurry to drop off or pick up students.
Sharing the Roadways
As a motorist, you should also be aware that you are sharing the roadway with young pedestrians and they may not always be paying attention. When driving, never block a crosswalk when you are at a light and waiting to turn because this can make it more dangerous for young children to cross the street.
You should also always stop and yield for pedestrians when you are in a school zone that has flashers blinking.
Always take extra time to look around when you are close to a school, park, or intersection and never pass a vehicle that has stopped for pedestrians.
Sharing the Road with School Buses
While it may be common knowledge not to pass a school bus or follow one too closely, when we are in a hurry, we may disregard some common sense. It is never lawful to pass a bus from behind or no matter what direction you are traveling when they are loading and unloading children.
If those yellow and red lights on the bus are flashing, it is a clear indication that all vehicles must stop. You should also always be alert because younger children can prove to be unpredictable and they may ignore risks or hazards.
These rules also apply when it comes to children on bicycles. Always be aware of your surroundings, leave three feet between yourself and the cyclist, and always let the rider go through an intersection first.
Types of School Bus Accidents
During the years of 2001 and 2010, there were a reported 1,386 deaths due to school transportation-related crashes and each year approximately 137 people are killed while hundreds more are injured in school transportation-related crashes.
A few types of school bus accidents include accidents involving other motorists, pedestrian accidents, and when the occupants of a school bus are injured.
These accidents may also result in legal claims being filed including personal injury, property damage, and even wrongful death cases.
It is more important than ever to practice safe driving while sharing the roadway with school buses, cyclists, and young pedestrians. Be mindful of your surroundings and keep yourself and others around you safe.