Should You Apply For Social Security Disability In Florida?

In these cases, for people unable to earn a salary the way they used to, the state is here to help with Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI. But how do you qualify for it and go about getting it?
The Qualifiers
SSDI is a form of supplementary payment to financially assist those unable to work due to specific medical conditions defined as a disability. The state of Florida has a few requirements in place for anyone that is thinking of applying for SSDI. These requirements are:
Medical Condition Or Terminal Illness
The applicant must have a verified medical condition that leaves them unable to work for at least a year. Or a medical condition or illness with a terminal prognosis, resulting in death.
Not Recoverable
The diagnosed disability must be total and permanent. Partial disabilities, or temporary disabilities that can be recovered from, such as a broken leg, do not qualify.
Meet SSA Criteria For Disability
Similar to the above, the definition of disability typically includes an “inability to engage in substantial gainful activity.” Gainful activity is defined as activities resulting in pay or profit. This also applies to self-employed people, although other criteria are also brought in to make a determination in this case.
How To Apply
Fortunately, thanks to the online world that we now live in, if you have access to a computer with an Internet connection, it’s possible to apply for SSDI online. In the past, applications would have required either visiting the nearest branch office to submit filled-out application forms or sending documents by mail. Today, however, online forms can handle much of the administration involved.
There are three primary documents to consider regarding an online application.
Adult Disability Checklist
This document does not have to be filled out and submitted for the application, but it is crucial to review it and ensure you understand the requirements for qualification. If you look at this checklist and see that you don’t meet some of the required criteria, you are not advised to fill out the rest of the forms.
Disability Benefit Application
This is the basic online form; you should be prepared to submit any required information, such as an address, social security number, and others.
Medical Release Form
The medical release form is your authorization to allow the release of medical-related information to the requesting party.
Once the application has been submitted, you and the application will be evaluated. Other criteria, such as how many social security credits you have acquired through years of previous employment, will be used as part of the evaluation.
However, even if you are denied SSDI, that’s not necessarily the end. You can talk to a social security disability lawyer to appeal and change the ruling.