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Six Delayed Injury Symptoms To Monitor After An Accident

There are many injuries that can take days, weeks, or even months to develop into severe conditions. They often happen after an accident where the victim feels fine afterward. We have seen many claims involving a victim feeling sore and then a few weeks later discovering that they had a debilitating spinal injury. So even if you feel fine after an accident, it is critical that you get a full check out from a physician immediately. Make sure to note any tension or soreness in your body. In addition, after the accident, monitor yourself for any of these six signs of a delayed accident injury:


If you suddenly start experiencing headaches after an accident, immediately see a physician. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are severe injuries that can have a significant impact on your life. What makes them so troublesome is that they often do not show signs until weeks after the accident occurs. However, like with all medical conditions, the earlier you receive a diagnosis, the better because you will have more treatment options.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is often a sign of either a spinal injury or soft tissue injury like whiplash. Neck pain can also be a symptom of a fracture of the clavicle. Neck injuries often start as stiffness and tension before turning into pain. So if you have any symptoms in your neck or shoulder area, see a doctor right away.

Back Pain

Back pain is often a sign of spinal cord injuries like a slipped or herniated disc. Back injuries become aggravated with use. Oftentimes, you will not feel anything at the moment of injury. However, a few weeks later, you may start feeling a twinge that over time will become painful and impact your mobility.


Numbness is a common symptom of nerve damage. Numbness can manifest as a tingling sensation or a loss of function and mobility. Nerve damage injuries are often delayed because they affect your nervous system, which communicates to your brain when there has been an injury. Nerve damage can become severe if not treated immediately.


Bruising is one of the biggest signs of injury. It can indicate that there is organ damage, broken bones, and muscle damage like tears. Just like when you bump your knee, it can take time for the bruise to appear as blood fills the area. Sometimes the bruising is internal, and in those cases, you will experience pain and swelling.

Abdominal Pai>

Abdominal pain is a symptom of a lot of issues, including TBI. One of the most serious, though, is internal organ damage. Internal organ damage does not always cause immediate pain and problems. However, if you feel any pain, it could be a sign of a larger injury, so you need to speak with a physician at once.

Mood Shifts

Mood shifts, anxiety, and depression are all signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can come from the trauma of the accident or your injuries. This is a very serious condition that requires support from the medical community. PTSD can develop quickly, but the impact is often not noticeable until severe symptoms have developed. After any accident, do not just think about your physical health; make sure to look after your mental health as well.

After any accident, monitor your health even if you feel okay. There are so many delayed injuries that may require medical care. The personal injury team at All Injuries Law Firm can help. With decades of experience in personal injury law, we have seen firsthand how these delayed symptoms can develop into larger issues. We will help you fight to get the care you need for all of your injuries. Give us a call at 1-941-625-HURT to learn more.