Social Media And Auto Accidents

There is certainly nothing wrong with loving your social media accounts, but it's well worth taking a closer look at the numerous ways that it can impact an auto accident in Florida. Before and after your accident, social media may play a bigger role than you realize.
Distracted Driving
The first aspect of social media to pay attention to where accidents are concerned is simply the fact that it has become a very common cause of automobile accidents. Checking Twitter or posting another Facebook update while driving is incredibly dangerous, and these distracted driving cases account for a large percentage of accidents on the roads today.
If your accident was caused by someone who was using social media while driving, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries. However, you will need to prove that they were acting recklessly by using the social media accounts. As such, trusting in a professional Florida car crash attorney is the best option for ensuring you get what you deserve.
Social Media After The Accident
While social media has caused its fair share of accidents, it's also something that can impact what happens after an accident - when you're seeking compensation for your injuries. Following an accident, the responsible party and their insurance companies or lawyers will be working to show that they aren't responsible for the accident, or that they don’t' owe as much in compensation amounts as it initially seems.
Where social media comes into play here is with what you post. For example, if you've been injured in an accident then it is very unwise to post an image on Facebook that shows you engaged in physical activity. Even if it's an old photo from before the accident, it could be misconstrued and used to show that you're not as injured as you might be.
You know the extent of your injuries can be quite severe, but the other party can see those photos and use them against you. Even a simple tweet on Twitter about your plans for the day could make it seem as though you're not as injured as you really are.
Of course, this goes both ways, and a skilled accident lawyer will often use the social media accounts of the other party to get a better idea about their lifestyle and what they may or may not have been doing at the time of the accident.
Use It Wisely
There's no doubt that social media is a great way to interact with your loved one and to have fun throughout the day. But it's important that you use it wisely every time, whether you're driving or have been involved in an accident.
If you are injured in an auto accident, our team can help. We have decades of experience in personal injury law and have offices throughout Southwest Florida so you never have to travel far to see us. To set up a free initial consultation, contact us today. We'll do a case evaluation and help you determine what kind of rights you have - and help gives you tips on how to make sure that social media doesn't make it harder for you to get compensated for your injuries.