Some Injuries Take Time To Manifest

These injuries however, can still have a profound, negative effect on a person’s life, which is why they are covered as very special cases by personal injury lawyers.
The Traumatic Brain Injury
In addition to the physical injuries sustained in collisions and other physical mishaps, traumatic brain injury is a term that covers a broad umbrella of different, related conditions. The brain is an enormously complex organ, whose exact functions and functional locations are still not completely understood.
This means that any physical injury, such as an impact against the skull, violent shaking, or even an alteration in brain chemistry may be enough to cause changes that are hard to predict. So even if someone doesn’t suffer from a visible head injury, TBI may still manifest at some point, and not necessarily as a physical symptom.
In addition to more obvious symptoms, such as nerve damage that may result in loss of motor control, or even damage to the ability to see, hear, or process information correctly, TBI can have emotional effects. TBI victims may have trouble controlling their emotions, may be afflicted with crippling, inexplicable depression or anxiety that has no apparent cause or cure. Their personality may change radically from who they used to be.
Toxic Substances
Another way that injuries may take some time before they become known is through exposure to toxic substances. Asbestos, for example, is one of the more well-known substances that can cause illness in people, but it may take years before the symptoms manifest. However, asbestos was only officially banned as an illegal substance for use in construction in 2003. This means that many buildings built in the 20th century may still have asbestos lining parts of the structure. So anyone that, for example, does construction work in these buildings, but isn’t told there is asbestos present and starts breaking down walls and ceilings runs a high risk of exposure if no proper protective gear is worn.
On the other end of the spectrum, sometimes substances are not immediately known to be harmful, but people work with and around them, only to find out many years later that science has finally concluded these substances to be harmful after all. In instances like asbestos or other harmful substances that may cause illnesses or other conditions after some time, a special kind of legal situation, known as a “toxic tort” is available.
If you, or someone you know may be susceptible to traumatic brain injury effects, or exposure to toxic substances at the workplace, help is available. Contact a proper professional injury lawyer to get the legal advice and action you need.