Statistics Show The Severity Of The Distracted Driving Problem In SW Florida

Distracted Driving Fatalities In Florida
Distracted driving might cause a “fender bender”, or a bump into the curb while looking down at a device, but these incidents aren’t always minor. Florida is 14th in the nation in distracted driving fatalities according to a study covering 2019-2020, with 514 total fatalities.
During this 2019-2020 period, a number of statistics were observed related to distracted driving and Florida motorists. More than 56,000 traffic accidents occurred that year, and 75% of them were caused by a motorist being inattentive while behind the wheel. This could be distracted driving due to a use of a smartphone or other device, or it could be distraction from passengers, distraction caused by adjusting the air conditioning or radio, or even distraction by way of eating or applying makeup while behind the wheel. The study found that, on average, more than 1,000 distracted driving accidents occur in Florida during the average week.
What Is Distracted Driving?
While smartphones are a serious hot topic these days when it comes to distracted driving, it’s not the only type of distraction to worry about. Distracted driving can be defined as any action that takes your attention away from the road. The 3 types of distraction under the distracted driving umbrella are:
• Visual – Visual distraction is anything that takes your eyes from the road ahead. This could be looking in the backseat to make sure the kids aren’t acting up, looking for a toll ticket, looking at a GPS map, or being distracted by something occurring outside of the vehicle.
• Manual – Manual distractions are distractions that take your hands off of the steering wheel. An example of a manual distraction would be eating breakfast while driving or digging through a purse or bag.
• Cognitive – A cognitive distraction is a distraction that takes your mind out of the moment and off the road. This could be an engaging conversation with a passenger or daydreaming.
When one looks at the 3 types of distraction while driving, it’s easy to see just why smartphone devices and other electronics are so dangerous; they encompass all 3. A person sending a text message, for example, will first hold their phone in their hand as a manual distraction. They’ll look down at the smartphone as a visual distraction. When they send the reply text, they’ll hold the phone, look at the screen, and think about what they’d like to say – an example of all 3 distractions at once.
Distracted Driving And Pedestrians
Drivers are putting themselves, their passengers, and other drivers on the road at risk when they choose to drive distracted, but that’s not all. Bicyclists and pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable when it comes to distracted driving fatalities. According to the CDC, 1 in 5 individuals involved in a distracted driving fatality in 2019 were walkers, bicyclists, or otherwise participating in an activity outside of a vehicle at the time of the accident.
Distracted driving is a serious problem in SW Florida and all across the nation. If you or a loved one has been in a distracted driving accident, and you’d like to learn more about what your rights may be, contact us at today.