Stay Vigilant! Here Are The Five Most Common Places Car Accidents Happen

Rural Highways
Driving in rural areas is a nice break from the city, but you must be aware of your surroundings at all times. Nearly half of all fatal car crashes in the United States happen along rural highways. They are especially prevalent on high-speed roads.
What typically happens is that drivers start getting distracted because there’s no one else on the road, so they don’t pay too much attention. Unfortunately, distracted driving is one of the most dangerous driving behaviors, which is why accidents happen so frequently in rural areas. The next time you’re driving in the country, stay alert and focus on the road. You never know when another driver is going to come tearing down the middle of the highway.
Stoplights And Stop Signs
This should not be surprising to anyone who has ever driven in the city. Stoplights and stop signs often lead to rear-end collisions and side impacts when poor driving is involved. However, many times, it’s simply because another driver did not correctly anticipate the stop or that another driver is turning. Whenever you approach a stoplight or a stop sign, pay careful attention to other drivers so you can react quickly when needed.
Like stop signs and stoplights, intersections are often confusing for people. Many struggle to understand who has the right of way at that moment. Also, some people may assume that the drivers in cross traffic are going to stop. Others simply blow through intersections without even looking. All of those situations increase the risk of accidents. Whenever you are nearing an intersection, proceed with caution.
Parking Lots And Parking Garages
A lot of accidents occur in parking lots and garages because drivers have little direction and everyone is different. Fortunately, most of those do not lead to serious injury and only result in property damage.
The most common accidents in parking lots and garages include backing up into another car, sideswipes, and head-on collisions. Even though they don’t always cause injuries, you can still get hurt during a parking lot accident, so stay vigilant when parking your car.
Your Own Neighborhood
You may not have expected this one because we always feel safe in our neighborhoods. However, most fatal car accidents happen within a 25-mile radius a person’s home. That is often because we go on autopilot in familiar places. Think about how many times you got home from work but don’t even remember driving. Since it’s so easy to go into autopilot in our neighborhoods, there is an increased risk of accidents. Try to stay present and pay attention to your driving, even when you’re close to home.
If you are ever in an automobile accident, the knowledgeable auto accident attorneys at All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. can help. We will investigate the cause of your accident, gather all the evidence you need to prove liability, and fight for your right to a fair settlement. So when you’re on the road, stay vigilant, but if the worst happens, give us a call at 1-941-625-HURT.