Baby Neck Floats - SW Florida Parents Should Be Aware Of This Danger

For instance, have you heard of baby neck floats? These were once thought of as miraculous inventions, as they allowed a tyke to float around freely in the water. The devices are blow-up rings that go around the necks of babies. They were designed for safety and to keep kids upright. However, it has recently come to our attention that parents should no longer use these products.
Baby Neck Floats - A Warning From The FDA
As far as water therapy interventions are concerned, particularly in babies with developmental delays or special needs, the FDA or U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now warning healthcare providers, parents, and caregivers not to use neck floats. People should stop using the items sooner rather than later. That is because the products can lead to serious injury or death.
To date, the FDA has learned about the death of one baby related to the use of a neck float. It has also been documented that one baby was hospitalized after using a float. In both instances, the caregivers were not providing direct supervision. That doesn't mean an issue couldn't arise while someone's on high alert, though. So, just be careful, whatever you do. You don't need to go through the trauma of losing a child on your watch, and your household doesn't need that devastation or grief either. Hence, do some more research on this subject and see what the fuss is all about for yourself. Then, you'll understand why it is in the best interest of everyone to stop using baby neck floats.
Injuries And Deaths Create Financial Challenges
Unless people have experienced a baby getting seriously injured or dying, they don't really know how parents feel when such issues arise. However, it isn't just feelings that caregivers must deal with. Instead, financial challenges get stacked on top of everything. Why? If a person's child sustains severe injuries, he or she will likely need medical care of some form or fashion. But as everyone in SW Florida and the rest of the United States knows, that won't be cheap.
For instance, what if your family doesn't have insurance, and the baby needs an MRI? This imaging test uses radio waves and magnetic fields to look at organ and tissue functions. According to research, without health coverage, on average, the price of an MRI is $1,500. The price of an MRI may vary, depending on different factors, but you should expect to spend between $400 and $7,000 on the procedure.
Now, that is only the cost of a single test, so just imagine what it will look like when doctor bills, prescriptions, etc., are part of the picture too. Meanwhile, final expenses aren't very budget-friendly when a loved one dies either. Prices vary across the country, but research shows funerals run $6,500 or more in Florida these days.
Some Final Thoughts
Has your child been injured or killed by a defective product in SW Florida? If that's the case, you might have the grounds to seek compensation from its manufacturer. Would you like to find out? Contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., to schedule a free evaluation with a personal injury attorney today. They'll help you determine where your claim stands and how to proceed.