Technology And Auto Accidents

And while it impacts the way we work, play, entertain ourselves, and communicate, technology also has a huge role in how we travel. Not only can it improve our overall safety while on the roads, but it could help show what happened leading up to an accident or prevent one from occurring. However, it can also cause an accident or make it harder for those involved in one to get the help they need following an incident on Florida's roads.
It's important to take a closer look at some of the different ways that technology can play a role in auto accidents and auto accident personal injury cases. Some of these ways may be obvious, but some could surprise you.
A Common Cause Of Accidents
One of the chief ways that auto accidents are caused today is because of technology. Specifically, devices like smart phones, tablets, and portable mp3 players are all capable of distracting drivers in a significant way.
Distracted driving is actually now known to be as dangerous or even more dangerous than drunk driving, and accounts for a huge percentage of accidents throughout the nation and here in Florida. As a result, those who text and drive or use their devices for anything else while driving will be at an increased risk of causing accidents. Even things like changing a song on a mp3 player could lead to this.
Proving Fault
Under Florida law, those who are injured in an accident must show that the other party was at fault in order to receive compensation for their injuries. This means showing that the other driver acted in a negligent or reckless manner and that those actions were directly related to the accident and subsequent injuries.
With tech-related incidents like those caused by distracted driving, this often means showing that the other motorist was using their mobile phone or another smart device while operating their vehicle. A number of different things can be done to help show this including:
- Accessing mobile data records for the time of the accident
- Using witness statements
- Using police accident reports
- Utilizing surveillance footage from nearby cameras
- And more
In short, for those involved in auto accidents in Florida, it's vital to take the appropriate steps needed to show that you were the victim of negligent and reckless behavior. This can take numerous forms, and your personal injury lawyer will be instrumental in doing so.
After The Accident
Technology also can play a serious role following an accident. In particular, social media usage could make it harder for some to receive compensation. The reason for this is that insurance companies will often review social media accounts like Facebook, and can easily take a post or photo out of context.
For example, posting a single image of yourself from a year ago on vacation may be taken as a recent photo and used to show that you aren't as injured as you claim. The bottom line here is that those who are injured in an accident need to use caution when accessing and updating their social media pages. Abstinence isn't needed, but careful consideration of a post is.
Technology will continue to evolve and change the way that we live our lives, including in the way that we travel. Those who are injured in an accident will want to consult their auto accident lawyer to ensure that their rights are being represented properly.