The Big Challenges With Trucking Accidents

Not only is the immediate risk to your safety increased with a trucking accident, but the long-term recovery process and even seeking compensation can be more difficult. It starts on the roads, with large trucks posing a serious safety risk to those who are operating passenger cars. The reason is obvious - a tractor-trailer can weigh tens of thousands of pounds more than a standard vehicle. When that much mass strikes a car, it can lead to devastation. Because of this, trucking-related accidents are some of the most traumatic that can occur on the roads. Potential trucking accident injuries include:
- Paralysis
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Dismemberment
- Comas
- Broken Bones
- Internal Injuries
- Death
These injuries can take months or even years to recover from, and when you're struggling to heal physically you may be out of work. Combine this with large potential medical bills, and it becomes apparent that you may need to seek personal injury damages from your trucking accident.
Trucking accident personal injury cases can be complex, and can often involve just as many challenges as your physical recovery can. There are a few reasons for this, but the primary one is simple - trucking companies have a lot to lose when they are paying out settlements or taken to court due to an accident. And since they can be held liable in some instances, they will do what they can to avoid paying you anything.
This can create a serious struggle with receiving your compensation, as they understand that their deeper pool of resources and money means that those injured in a trucking accident will often be fighting an uphill battle. The insurance companies or trucking companies could use a number of different tactics to avoid paying you what you're owed including:
- Delaying settlement offers
- Lowball settlement offers
- Refusal to pay
- Stall tactics like forcing you to sign or send in numerous documents
- And more
All in all, their strategy is simple - make you feel like you're not getting any kind of financial restitution, then offer you a small amount. Or, outright refuse to pay and assume that you won't take further action.
This is when a trucking accident attorney is so important. When you have the right team on your side, you'll let the insurance companies and trucking companies know that you're serious about getting your restitution. They'll recognize that they need to act properly or could end up having to head into court - something that could cost them even more than a basic settlement would.
It can still be a process, and that process could still carry major obstacles with it as the trucking company tries to get out of paying what you're owed. But when you have a truck accident lawyer on your side, your odds improve dramatically.
Our team is here to help. With decades of experience in all forms of personal injury law including trucking accident law, we can stand up to the other side and make sure that you make a full recovery - physically as well as financially. Contact us today to get a free consultation and find out more about what we can do for you.