The Dangers Of Getting Distracted While Driving

With so many drive-thru restaurants along routes, it is easy for folks to swing in and snag a quick bite to eat. After all, time is money, and there never seems to be enough of either in the modern world. Still, this act should be avoided whenever possible as it can be very dangerous. It is tough to keep the car under control with a drink in one hand, a burger in the other, and a knee controlling the steering wheel. In other words, distracted driving takes place in many forms. Curious individuals should read further to learn more.
Another issue is the application of makeup while behind the wheel. This activity doesn't only happen when the car is stopped at a red light. Rather, persons attempt the feat while the vehicles are traveling fast on highways, creeping through school zones, or when they are in the middle of stop and go traffic. The mere slip of a hand can send a mascara applicator right into the eye, which can blind the driver temporarily. Thus, they can swerve and hit another car or rear-end one. The possibilities are endless.
Technology And Distracted Driving
One thing folks didn't have to worry about in the past were smartphones. If a person needed to speak with someone else, he or she would have to find a pay phone, park the car, get out and take care of the deed. Now, people have devices available that allow them to get in touch with others with the few swipes of a finger. They can call, text, or even message friends and family members through social media apps. However, like the above-mentioned items, using a cell phone while driving should be avoided too.
Why? Well, the answer is simple really. Utilizing the technological device when operating a vehicle increases one's risk of being involved in a crash. Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that a person takes their eyes off the road for about 5-seconds when they send or read a text message. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is the equivalent of traveling the distance of a football field in a vehicle going 55 miles-per-hour. Regardless of who you are, covering 100-yards in a matter of mere seconds can be disastrous.
The same CDC study states that about 9-people are killed and 1,000 injured in crashes involving distracted drivers in the United States each day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving claimed the lives of 3,450 individuals in 2016 alone. Those that live to tell the tale are often left with severe damages such as...
• Broken Bones, Lacerations, Contusions
• Partial Or Full Paralysis
• Internal Organ Damage And Bleeding
• Burns
• Traumatic Brain Injuries
Hire A Car Crash Lawyer To Obtain Compensation
If a person sustains injuries in a wreck involving a distracted driver, he or she can seek compensation for their damages. Proving fault in such claims is not always cut and dry though. A car crash lawyer can help by building a strong case via witness testimonies, police reports, and other evidence. Our attorneys go the extra distance to handle the heavy legal lifting so that you can worry about the most important thing, recovering. So, contact us today for a free consultation, and let a car crash lawyer tell you where your case stands.