The Eight Primary Types Of Compensation You Can Recover After An Accident

Damages You Can Recover After A Florida Auto Accident
If you have been seriously injured due to an accident or injury you are entitled to compensation. In personal injury law the term damages means the estimated amount of money required to reimburse a person for injuries suffered from someone’s negligent actions.
An experienced personal injury lawyer can review your options and determine what you are entitled to under Florida Law. These include economic damages and non-economic damages. Here are the most common economic damages:
• Medical Expenses: All of your medical bills, current and future. This includes doctors, specialists, hospital stays, emergency room and ambulance fees, Therapy and adaptive equipment. You must prove that the medical bills are all a result of the injury or accident. Often your personal injury attorney will have specialists for you to see to help determine your future medical expenses.
• Lost Wages: These damages are the amount of money you would have earned from the time of the injury to when the case is settled.
• Lost Earning Capacity: If, due to your injury or accident, your ability to earn in the future has been eliminated or diminished, damages can be recovered. So the claim of lost earning capacity focuses on what might have been earned if the accident or injury had not occurred.
• Temporary Or Permanent Disability: Temporary or permanent disability requires testimony by a medical expert and a doctor must examine you.
Non-Economic Damages
It is when determining your non-economic damages that it becomes vital to hire a skilled personal injury lawyer. These damages are not as cut and dry as the economic damages. They include:
• Pain And Suffering: While it is difficult to determine your level of pain and suffering after an accident or injury, most juries consider the nature of the injury, the future pain, and how long the patient is likely to be in pain, and the testimony of experts. You can be awarded a settlement for past and future physical pain.
• Mental Anguish: Any mental or emotional distress that is associated with, or resulting from the accident or injury. These include:
● Anxiety
● Depression
● Grief and shock
• Loss Of Consortium: Loss of consortium means you are being deprived of marital benefits with your spouse. These include companionship, affection, sexual relations and other factors between the two of you. Often in these cases the uninjured spouse can also make a claim. The value is determined on this loss by both parties' life expectancies, how stable the marriage is and what marital benefits have been lost.
• Loss Of Enjoyment Of Life: Your ability to enjoy the day to day pleasures of life has been lost. It is often treated as a type of pain and suffering. For example if you were an avid skier and can no longer ski.
If you have been injured by someone in an accident, your case should be discussed with an experienced, skilled personal injury lawyer. You may qualify for compensation to cover all of your losses. With over 30 years in business throughout South West Florida and several locations to choose from, our professional team at All Injuries Law Firm will review your case and determine what your legal options are.
If someone in an accident has injured you, your case should be discussed with a qualified, expert personal injury lawyer. You may qualify for compensation to cover all of your losses. With over 30 years in business throughout Southwest Florida with several locations to choose from, our professional team will review your case and determine what your legal options may be.