The Facts About What A Personal Injury Lawyer Does For The Injured

Whether it’s from an auto crash, a workplace injury, or a slip and fall accident, injuries sustained during an accident can leave a huge impact on your life and make it hard to move forwards and heal. And the heavy financial costs that come along with many injuries mean that you can often find yourself focused more on the stress of money than on recovery. In short, a personal injury lawyer matters in a big way. Here are some of the key things to understand about what a personal injury accident attorney does for those involved in accidents.
Initial Consultation
It all starts with the initial case review. Knowing what kind of case you have is the first step for seeking compensation. Under Florida law, it must be shown that the other party involved in your accident acted in a negligent manner and that those negligent actions are what led to your injuries. This can include a lot of different things such as:
- Driving drunk
- Speeding
- Failing to clean up a spill
- Failure to repair work equipment
- And more
However, it’s vital that you understand that determining fault is often very complex. It can involve numerous steps and just gathering the evidence needed to put together a case can take a tremendous amount of time from the person seeking compensation. Having an accident lawyer on your side means that you’re able to understand immediately whether or not you actually have a case and what to expect from it. This way, you don’t spend a huge amount of time on the case if you really don’t have the grounds for compensation.
Avoiding Bad Settlements
One of the biggest tactics that insurance companies and lawyers for those at fault in an accident will use is to stall and delay action on a case, then to offer a settlement amount that is designed to have the injured person accept quickly. After all, when payments are delayed for months and are suddenly dangled in front of someone suffering, they’re likely to accept whatever they can get.
But this often means that the injured party ends up accepting a settlement amount that is much lower than what they’re really entitled to. Consider that your costs following an accident could include things like the following:
- Lost wages at work
- Future lost wages over the course of healing
- Medical expenses
- Long term medication, therapy, and medical costs
- Added bills or interest due to difficulty paying existing bills
- And more
In short, you can see that those low settlement offers often may not fully cover all of your actual costs. Your accident attorney will review your case to ensure that you don’t end up accepting an amount that is less than what you’re really owed.
Better Outcome
All in all, you likely don’t fully understand everything regarding the personal injury law world. From legal tactics to loopholes and beyond, it can be very complex. And when you have an insurance company and their lawyers against you, having your own attorney on your side ensures that you are able to get quicker results and better outcomes for your case. The bottom line is that with the right attorney helping you, you’re able to move towards a resolution that actually works to help you recover.
Less Stress, Better Recovery
Finally, in the big picture of things, a personal injury lawyer ends up helping you with your recovery as a whole. When your attorney is working for you, you are less stressed about the legal or financial side of your situation. That means that you can focus on what’s most important – healing physically, emotionally, and mentally from your accident.
That’s a huge part of what makes an accident lawyer so important to those who have been injured in accidents – the fact that they can help improve the recovery process for their clients. In other words, finding the right Florida personal injury lawyer is one of the smartest moves those injured in an accident can make. It could help you recover more completely, and at a much faster rate.