The Five Most Common Types Of Auto Accidents

Multi-Vehicle Collisions
Multi-vehicle collisions, also known as “pileups”, are accidents where there are three or more vehicles involved in the accident. Oftentimes, these accidents occur on the freeway or at busy intersections where traffic is very dense. Typically what happens is an initial collision creates a domino effect of collisions. These accidents can be very devastating because the cars are usually tightly crammed making it very challenging for first responders to access accident victims. Further, due to the complexity of these accidents, it can be very challenging to assign fault.
Head-On Collisions
Head on collisions are when two cars hit each other with the front end of the vehicle. These typically happen on two way roads when one driver swerves into the other lane. They can also happen at intersections and parking lots. Head-on collisions usually result in severe injuries for both drivers. Determining fault in head-on collisions is also pretty challenging depending on the circumstances and the fact there is so much at financial stake in these collisions.
Rear-End Collisions
Rear-end collisions happen when a driver collides with the back end of another drivers’ vehicle. These accidents typically happen at intersections, parking lots, and other areas where drivers have to make frequent stops. In most cases, rear-end collisions are the fault of the driver who rear-ends the other driver because by law, drivers are required to leave adequate braking distance between them and the car in front of them. There are cases though where the rear-ending driver is not at fault, but they are rare.
Side Impact Collisions:
Side impact collisions are also often called “t-bone accidents” because they form a T-shape. These collisions are when one driver crashes into the side of another driver. These accidents happen most frequently at intersections where traffic is crossing. Side impact collisions are often fatal depending on where the driver hits the vehicle. These are also more difficult to determine who is at fault for the accident because it depends on where the accident occurs.
Sideswipe Collisions:
Sideswipe collisions are when one driver hits the side of another vehicle with the side of their vehicle. These collisions most frequently happen when a car is merging into another lane, but can also happen when a driver is swerving. Fortunately, these accidents tend to be less fatal than other accidents, though they often cause injuries and a lot of damage to the vehicle. Typically the fault lies with the driver that tried to merge or swerve, but it mostly depends on the circumstances.
Why You Need An Attorney After An Auto Accident
As you can see, no matter what type of accident you are in, determining fault is not always clear cut. This is especially important in the state of Florida where fault is assigned through a comparative fault system. An auto accident attorney can help you collect the evidence you need to prove fault and make sure that you get full and fair compensation for your injuries.
At All Injuries Law Firm, our attorneys have been protecting auto accident injury victims for over 30 years. No matter what type of collision you were injured in, we can help. We’ll investigate the accident and help collect all the evidence needed to prove fault. Give us a call at 1-941-625-HURT to learn more.