The Social Security Network

- • The oldest program is Social Security itself. FDR signed it into law in 1935, although it would take a while longer before its administrative board had an actual budget. The purpose of Social Security is to provide a reliable paycheck to retired people based on the amount of money they paid in taxes over their lifetimes. In 1939, this benefit was extended to widows and dependents.
- • Throughout the 1950s, Social Security benefits were extended to disabled workers as well as to those over the age of 65, at least assuming the worker had built up enough Social Security credits beforehand.
- • In 1965, congress introduced Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is meant specifically for those who are old enough to qualify for Social Security benefits, and Medicaid helps the disabled and those with very low income. Originally, the program only included free emergency care and an optional insurance program which would pay for regular visits to the doctor and other standard health care costs, but over the years it’s expanded to include sponsored private insurance plans and (most recently) prescription drug coverage. Now, with the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid has expanded to include a larger number of low-income citizens, although only in states which choose to opt in to the program.
- • In 1972, President Nixon signed into law the Supplemental Security Income program. SSI is designed to add a little extra assistance to people who need it and who might otherwise fall through the cracks of the system.
Unfortunately, along with 80 years of helping those in need, Social Security has built up 80 years of paperwork, 80 years of amendments meant to fight fraud and cut costs, and 80 years of attempts to keep the fund solvent in the face of a growing elderly population who are living far longer than they ever have in the past, plus growing medical bills which have been spiraling into the stratosphere.
Despite being meant to help the most vulnerable members of society, it can be difficult even for someone in the prime of his or her life to navigate through all the requirements and exceptions attached to every aspect of Social Security and Medicare. Whether or not this obfuscation is intentional, it’s certainly convenient for those in charge of the fund. Social Security may not be a for-profit business, but it still has a budget it needs to worry about, and every person who somehow fails to qualify for benefits is someone who won’t have an impact on the bottom line.
Luckily, there are people who can help. A good social security lawyer can guide you through the application process and explain exactly what it is you need to do to get all the proper certificates and paperwork, and he or she can also appeal a rejection on your behalf. If you happen to live in the Sarasota area in southwest Florida, give All Injuries Law Firm a call and we can provide you with a free case review. Dealing with the federal bureaucracy can be intimidating, but it’s not something you have to do alone.