The Top 5 Reasons You Need An Attorney After An Accident

However, under Florida law those who are hurt due to the reckless or negligent actions of someone else will have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit and get back the money they’re owed. It can be a major process, and in many instances the only way to ensure that you get the kind of restitution you deserve is to turn to an attorney.
A personal injury lawyer can help you in numerous ways, and learning more about what they can do for you is important. Here’s a look at some of the main reasons that you need a lawyer when you’re filing your personal injury lawsuit.
One – Their Knowledge
Do you understand all of the specifics of fault, negligence, counterclaims, and more? The average person won’t be able to fully understand the complexities of the legal system. Without an expert on their side, they will be chewed up and spit out by the other side’s legal team.
Your lawyer will have that experience. From reviewing your case and ensuring that you actually have the right to file a claim all the way through trial if needed, your lawyer is a must for your case.
Two – Their Tools And Resources
Proving fault and proving the amount of compensation that you’re owed isn’t an easy task. An attorney will use various tools, connections, and resources to get you what you’re owed. People like financial experts, accident reconstruction experts, medical professionals, and more may be consulted. They may pull phone records, accident reports, and vehicle black box data as well.
Again, the average person won’t be able to do this – your attorney is your only real hope at truly getting you what you are owed.
Three – To Shut Down The Bullies
When it comes to paying out money, insurance companies don’t like to do it. They take it so seriously that they’ll often resort to bullying tactics to try to keep you from collecting a dime. Some of the things they may try include:
• Stalling payments
• Saying you aren’t owed compensation at all
• Forcing you to fill out endless, needless paperwork
• Offering you settlement amounts that are far lower than you really deserve
No matter what steps they try, it can end with you giving up on seeking restitution or with you assuming that you have to take a smaller amount than you’re owed. Your lawyer will stand up to the bullies and get you the compensation you actually deserve. With an attorney on your side, you get respect.
Four – To Maximize Your Settlement
Do you really know what your settlement should be to be fair? There’s much more to it than you might assume, including things like:
• Medical bills including all future potential medical bills
• Lost wages and future estimated lost wages
• Compensation for pain, suffering, and emotional distress
• Punitive damages
• Compensation for loss of earnings potential
• Property damage compensation
• And more
Your attorney will review your case, discuss with experts, and come up with a figure that is actually what you’re owed. This way, you are able to fully recover financially from an accident.
Five – Peace Of Mind
When you’re hurt in an accident the last thing you need to do is spend a huge amount of time worrying about where you’ll get the money to pay your hospital bills. Instead of healing, you’re stressing. With an attorney on your side, you can focus your attention on what matters most – your physical recovery. Your lawyer will handle the rest.
It all comes down to results. With an attorney working for you, you’re more likely to get the compensation you deserve and be able to move on after an accident. Don’t make the mistake of trying to get compensation on your own – it will only complicate your life and cost you money. Talk to a lawyer to ensure you get the best results possible, every time.