The World Is Not Always Kind To Car Crash Victims

According to research by Statista, there were approximately 222 million drivers with valid licenses in the United States in 2016. As for Florida, the study shows that residents accounted for 15,076,358 of those licensees in 2017. Of course, there are also tourists, employees in The Sunshine State for business, and people driving around without a valid license as well that are not included in the statistics. In other words, there are typically a bunch of cars on the streets both during the day and night.
It is important to remember to keep a cool head if an accident occurs. The situation is hectic and frantic enough without adding road rage to the incident. Participants should make sure that all parties involved are okay and provide first aid when necessary. Then, call an ambulance if one is needed, contact the police to file a report, and be sure to exchange insurance information with the other driver. Car crashes are anything but forgiving. They lead to loss of life and injuries such as...
• Fractured And Broken Bones
• Burns And Lacerations
• Traumatic Brain Injuries
• Internal Organ Damage
• Neck And Back Injuries
Insurance Companies Don't Have Your Best Interests In Mind
Although people pay their premiums on time every month for insurance that they don't use on a regular basis, these organizations often have ulterior motives. Even if the situation is cut and dry, and there is no question that the defendant is to blame, the insurance company is only after one thing, which is to pay out the smallest amount possible. They offer low-ball settlements hoping that the victim will agree to the small sum.
These businesses use delay tactics as well. After all, they know that the plaintiff is typically missing time from work and has no steady paycheck coming in. The representatives also know that recovery expenses pile up quickly during this time. Additionally, normal bills don't stop either just because the person is hurt. Thus, by delaying, delaying, and delaying some more, they hope the individual runs out of money and has to accept the minimal compensation amount.
The fine print in contracts can be misleading too. Many insurers are adding stipulations to documents that attempt to get the victim to sign their rights to compensation away. The items usually don't hold up in a court of law, but still, they can slow things down and make the proceedings feel like they are crawling. Hence, it is a very good idea to let your car crash lawyer look over anything and everything before you put the pen to the paper.
Hiring A Car Crash Lawyer Can Make All Of The Difference In The World
The insurance company knows that you mean business when you have a reputable attorney by your side. Our firm has a prominent reputation, and in many cases, agents settle for a fair amount out of court instead of letting us get in front of a jury with our client. The case review is free, and you only pay if compensation is recovered. So, don't delay any longer. Contact our office and let the team help get you the settlement that you deserve.