Three Types Of Negligence That Could Leave You In Need Of An Accident Attorney

How in the world will you pay for repairs, medical expenses, and what not? One way is to use your savings if you're lucky enough to have them. However, when paying for such high-dollar things, the savings probably won't last long. Of course, taking out a loan is another solution, but if you aren't careful, you could be paying back the money you borrowed plus interest for what seems like a million years.
That brings us to the next solution to discuss, filing a lawsuit against a negligent party or their insurance company. You could attempt to go it alone. However, many people have gotten taken advantage of because of DIY legal approaches before. So, if getting no compensation or a low settlement amount does not interest you, it's in your best interest to hire an attorney.
Punta Gorda accident lawyers know how to navigate Florida's complex legal system. That means your life will be easier. In addition, they know the stresses and challenges that come with being involved in crashes. Therefore, you'll get compassion and understanding. Also, providing that you pick the correct firm, you'll be able to rest easy knowing it has the resources necessary to take the claim to trial. Now, let's look at some forms of negligence that could lead you down this path.
Drinking And Driving
Unfortunately, people often elect to drink and drive in Punta Gorda. Perhaps a person has one too many beers on a fishing trip and then hits the open road to go home. Or, maybe an individual goes out bar hopping, only to attempt to drive home instead of calling an Uber.
Whatever the case, driving under the influence should never happen because it causes wrecks. Those that don't believe drunk driving is that big of a deal should look at the following stat. According to the NHTSA, in the United States, approximately 32 people die in drunk driving crashes each day, which equals one person every 45 minutes.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving comes in different shapes and sizes. However, the form being discussed here is texting and driving. Research reveals that if a motorist texts behind the wheel, they will use a minimum of 5 seconds of their attention doing so. If traveling at 55 miles per hour during that span, that is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field.
Hence, it's easy to see how a lot could happen in that short period of time with one's eyes off the road. They might hit a car in the rear after it stops for a red light, or a pedestrian may get struck while attempting to use a crosswalk. The list can go on and on.
Drowsy Or Sleepy Driving
Negligent drivers can also be those who doze off behind the wheel. For that matter, a person doesn't even have to pass out. Rather, they can simply be groggy and that can be enough to cause accidents. states that each year there are 100,000 crashes, 71,000 injuries, and 1,550 fatalities due to drowsy driving.
Have you been involved in an accident with a negligent driver in Punta Gorda? If yes, would you like to see if you're entitled to fair compensation? All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., can help with that. Contact our office to schedule a free case evaluation with an accident attorney today.