Tips For Requesting A Social Security Disability Appeal

If you recently applied for Social Security Disability and got rejected, don’t give up just yet. A rejection at the first stage of your application does not mean you will not be accepted at all. A lot of Social Security Disability applications get denied at the initial stage. However, a good number of applications get accepted after an appeal. So if your application was rejected, get ready to file for an appeal. You can increase your chances of being granted in these ways.
Request An Appeal Quickly
Keep in mind that after your application is denied, you have only 60 days to submit your appeal in writing. You will need to fill up the necessary forms, which are available on the Social Security Administration (SSA) website, and provide supporting documents. Act quickly in preparing your appeal because exceeding 60 days would definitely mean denial of your appeal. If possible, start working on your appeal as soon as you receive the rejection letter.
Understand Why You Were Rejected
The SSA receives hundreds of thousands of applications, so they are strict with the application process. If they see that your application is incomplete, forms were improperly filled out, or your medical evidence is lacking, they will reject your application. Determine the issue in your application so you can address it properly in the appeal.
Write An Appeal Letter
This is a bit tricky because the form allows only a few lines to explain why you think the rejection was wrong. However, it is possible to submit an attachment letter. In your letter, be succinct but make sure to address all the reasons you believe the decision was wrong. If needed, attach any records, statements, and information to strengthen your appeal.
Get Support From Your Doctor
Another way to bolster your appeal is to get a supportive statement from your doctor. This should detail what you can and cannot do as well as how your condition prevents you from working. This, together with strong objective medical evidence, should help you succeed in your Social Security Disability appeal.
Get Third-Party Witnesses
If there are people who are familiar with your condition, it may help to have them write a letter as well. Third-party witnesses are not always considered in applications and appeals, but well-written letters from them may make a slight impact. Two people you can ask to write a letter for you are your caregiver—who can detail the extent to which you need assistance in daily life—and your former employer—who can attest to how your disability has affected your ability to work.
Be Honest
Honesty is absolutely necessary when appealing for Social Security Disability. The people who check applications are trained to spot any inconsistencies in your application, so it is not advisable to exaggerate a fact or hide something, such as psychiatric problems. Your honesty will help you a great deal when it comes to Social Security.
Get Help From A Social Security Lawyer
A Social Security lawyer is someone who has gone through the application and appeals process numerous times. They can give insight on how you can strengthen your appeal and increase your chances of being granted Social Security Disability benefits. Find a reputable Social Security lawyer in Southwest Florida who will not leave a stone unturned in your application.