Tips On How To Handle Your Workers' Compensation Claim

Report the injury immediately! One of the biggest reasons a worker is denied compensation is because they waited to report it. Waiting can make your claim seem unreliable and suspicious. It will especially look bad if you don't file your claim until after you get fired or laid off. Workers' compensation insurers hate that and will assume that this is just your way of getting revenge.
Get witnesses to support your claim! There aren't always going to be witnesses around when accidents happen, but when there are they can greatly help your case. If anyone was there to witness your accident, make sure you get their name so they can back up your story if necessary.
Don't wait to seek medical attention! If it is an emergency then do not wait to make an appointment. Immediately go to the emergency room or a walk-in clinic to get it looked at right away. If your unsure or know it is not an emergency, then very least you should make a doctor's appointment to get the injury looked at as soon as possible. Workers' compensation insurance companies will assume that you weren't actually hurt or that you got the injury elsewhere if you wait to see a doctor.
Attend all additional medical appointments! Just like we mentioned before, if you don't keep up with your medical appointments and treatment, works' compensation insurance companies will assume your not that hurt or are already healed. This will not only make them take your claim less seriously, but it encourages them to terminate your benefits before your ready. Until you are healed up enough to work again, make sure you go to every single one of your medical appointments.
Fill out forms accurately! Often employers will require you to fill out and sign an accident report when you get injured on the job. Make sure you fill it out accurately or else it could haunt you later. However, if your feeling too medicated or ill at the time, do it when you can concentrate again. Doing it while your not feeling well will only guaranteed the information to be inaccurate.
Be consistent and be honest! Make sure your telling everyone the same exact story. If what you tell your supervisor doesn't go along with what you told your doctor, your claim will be too unreliable to believe. It is not necessarily that you have lied about your accident, but by changing some details between stories it's going to look that way. If your accident was witnessed, it better match what the witness saw as well. The best way is simply to be as honest as possible about what happened.
Talk to a workers' compensation attorney! If your having any trouble or are concerned that you will have trouble, talk to a lawyer. A consultation with a professional in the field can help clear a few things up and determine whether you need someone experienced to represent your case.
If you live or work near or in the Charlotte or Sarasota area of southwest Florida, we will be happy to help you with any legal consultation and assistance you may need. Here at All Injuries Law Firm, we are eager to get you the workers' compensation your entitled to.