Tips To Avoid Drowsy Driving In Florida

Avoid Drowsy Driving And Personal Injuries With These Tips
- If you are going to be driving for an extended period of time, do not be afraid to stop and stretch. Fresh air and stretching your legs can often help wake you up. Getting the blood flowing throughout your body allows your brain to focus on the task at hand, which in this case is driving. The extra 5 minutes that you take to re-focus yourself could be the difference between you arriving at your destination safely, or a costly accident.
- The radio can be a distraction at times but if you feel yourself becoming sleepy, turn the radio up. Sometimes just breaking the silence, and getting you away from your own thoughts, is all that is needed to improve your drowsy state. You owe it to the other drivers on the road to do everything in your power to drive in an unimpaired state and if something as simple as turning the radio on does the trick, be sure to use it.
- Rolling the windows down in your vehicle is another way to avoid drowsiness. Florida is known for its beaches, sunshine, and great atmosphere, so don't be afraid to take it all in. This is another simple tip that can prove to be an excellent tool in fighting off drowsy driving.
- Starting a conversation with another passenger is an excellent way to prevent drowsy driving. Going on long trips can make everyone in the vehicle sleepy. Passengers often take naps and leave the driver alone with their thoughts. If drowsiness starts to creep in, don’t be afraid to wake the other passengers up. It is better for them to be awake and talking to you than sleeping and sustaining personal injuries from an automobile accident.
Drowsy Driving Can Be Proven
Although there is not a specific method for proving drowsy driving, such as a field sobriety test, it is still possible to prove it. Impaired driving can be from more than just drugs and alcohol. You owe it to yourself and to other drivers to make sure that you are awake, alert, and not driving impaired. In the same respect, other drivers owe you the same courtesy.
Coffee, energy drinks and other forms of caffeine are available to improve your drowsiness as well. However, these should be taken with caution because they are known to have side-effects. These can include feeling jittery, nauseous, or in some instance paranoid. Rather than improving your drowsiness, these items may make it worst.