Tips To Prevent Teenage Car Accidents

Go Slower
Teens are most likely to push the limits when it comes to speed. 52% of fatal crashes that involve teenagers happened because the driver was going too fast. Teaching your teen the proper speed for driving is one way to keep them safe on the road. Teach them to prepare to leave for their destination a few minutes early, ensuring that they won’t have to speed wherever they go. Teach them the three second rule for following behind other cars. Maintaining distance will give them an extra chance to stop safely if a situation does arise. Giving them the skills and the common sense to drive safely now will help them become better drivers in the long run.
No Driving At Night
While your teen is still learning to drive, restrict their nighttime driving. It is harder to see what is going on all around your vehicle in the dark. A more experienced driver will know what to respect and how their car will react. A teenage driver won’t have that experience under their belt yet, making for a possibly unsafe situation. About 58% of teenage driving accidents happen at night. Give your teen the chance to practice their skills in the daytime and avoid nighttime driving incidents as long as possible.
Put Down The Phone
Establish cell phone guidelines with your teen now. There are several apps that can be installed on your teenager’s phone that suspend service while they are driving. Make their privilege of using the car based on the fact that they keep the app installed on their phone. You need to keep strict guidelines in order to keep your teen safe. It also helps when you set a good example. When you drive, be sure you are also putting the phone down and following the safety guidelines. If your teen catches sight of you bending the rules, they will be more likely to do the same. A text is not as important as keeping your teen safe.
Wear A Seatbelt
This is another one that requires modeling. There is a reason seat-belts are mandatory, and you should stress that with your teen. Make sure they wear one every time they get in a car. It doesn’t matter if they are driving or just riding along. Be sure that you stress the fact that seat-belts save lives. Wearing a seatbelt every time is the only way to reduce the risk of injury in an accident.
Don't Drink And Drive
Alcohol may not be on your radar yet, but it is important to talk with your teen about the importance of not getting behind the wheel after drinking. Set up some sort of secret code or procedure for if they go out somewhere and need an emergency ride home. Let them know that they are not stranded with no other options. If they know that they have another way out, they might be less likely to get behind the wheel and try to drive home. If possible, avoid letting your teen get into a situation where underage drinking is involved.
Keeping your new teen driver safe is the number one priority. If someone in your family has been hurt in an accident, call All Injuries Law Firm. We can help you to fight your case and get you back to your everyday life.