Top 5 Reasons SSDI Applications Get Rejected

However, SSDI, while meant to help people in need, is not necessarily easy to get. SSDI is a Federally maintained program, and the evaluation procedure is quite strict. It’s so strict, in fact, that of the first-time applications they get there is a 72% rejection rate.
So what’s going on here? Why are so many SSDI applications being rejected? Here are the top five causes that get most applications turned down.
Improper Submission
The top cause of rejection is an administrative error. SSDI application requirements are scrupulous, and so are the procedures for evaluating them. There are a lot of different administrative requirements, with zero margins for error. If addresses don’t match or requested documents aren’t included, any small detail can result in an immediate rejection.
There is no forgiveness or room for corrections in this application process. If an application isn’t thoroughly checked for errors before submission, those errors will cause a rejection.
Incorrect Income
Do you need social security disability insurance or supplemental security income? People who have diligently paid taxes paid into social security and secured enough credit for SSDI if they met the injury criteria. People who are younger and have not worked for very long may not have made sufficient contributions in taxes or social security to qualify for SSDI. SSI may be the more appropriate venue.
Insufficient Medical Evidence
This is another principal reason for rejection. It’s not enough, for example, to use a wheelchair and tell the SSDI people to take your word for it about waist-down paralysis. Medical documentation needs to be produced that officially verifies the disability you are applying for. Data such as:
• Hospital records
• Doctor diagnosis
• Treatment record
• Testimonials from work and family members
Are just a few of the things required.
Non-compliance With Treatment
SSDI application consideration wants to see that a worker has done everything possible to try to recover. If there is evidence that a patient has ignored the doctor’s orders, is not following the prescribed treatment, or refusing medications, this a big red flag. Failure to comply with doctor’s orders usually results in a rejection.
Non-compliance With SSDI Staff
Finally, even if a person manages to submit everything required, and has all proper records and documentation, being difficult with social security administration is grounds for rejection. In other words, even if a person feels they waited too long in the office and argues with the staff, or even threatens them, that’s enough for rejection as well.
Fortunately, there are many instances where legal help can turn things around. Contact our social security disability insurance lawyers if your claim has been denied and you want to appeal and overturn that decision.