Top 5 Things You Need To Know About Personal Injury Settlements

To complicate matters even further, many who are injured will be offered a cash settlement out of court and assume that they've successfully managed to secure their compensation successfully. But a settlement isn't always what it appears to be, and just because you have an insurance company offering to mail you a check doesn't mean that you're doing the right thing for your future. There are many things you should understand about a personal injury settlement, but 5 of them stand out as vital information.
- • The First Offer May Not Be The Best – In fact, it's usually not. Insurance companies and those responsible for your injuries will often offer a settlement amount in the hopes that you'll accept it. This allows them to avoid future legal action and essentially ends the case. They assume that offering you a small amount will be enough to make you think you've won your case.
- • Your Future Has An Impact On A Fair Sum – While your past medical costs will usually be the primary factor in a settlement, it's also important to understand that the future matters as well. Things like your future lost wages and future medical costs can all influence your budget, and as such they should be factored into a fair settlement amount.
- • A Lot Of Things Factor Into A Fair Amount – Along with future costs, there are other factors that can be used to determine what kind of settlement you'll get. Things like medical costs, lost wages, future lost wages and medical expenses, pain and suffering, and even punitive damages are all used by the courts when determining what to award those seeking compensation, and similar figures should be used to ensure that a settlement is fair.
- • Insurance Companies Will Usually Prefer To Settle – There's a reason that insurance companies offer settlements: they save them money and avoid courts. Going to court could mean significant compensation awards, and as a result they'll usually work to offer a settlement to you instead of going to court.
- • …Unless You're On Your Own – There's an exception to the rule above, and that's when you're unrepresented by a lawyer. Yes, the tactic of offering a low settlement amount is still used when you have no representation, but it's also common for insurance companies to drag out a case, force it into courts, and then use their legal team to crush your chances of getting compensation. This is usually done through loopholes and complex, shady legal maneuvers that you likely don't even know about.
As you can see, personal injury law is complex, even when it comes to the basic process of receiving a settlement offer. It's important that you have a good Port Charlotte personal injury lawyer on your side when you're injured in an accident. This way you can ensure that you don't make a mistake and that you receive the kind of settlement that is fair for you.
Contact us today if you've been injured in an accident of any kind. Our team will go to work for you and help ensure that you get the compensation you're really owed, not a lowball figure designed to shut you up.