Tractor-Trailer Accidents Can Be Deadly

There is enough death in the modern world. At last count, COVID-19 had claimed the lives of 777,018 people globally. However, there are other things happening daily that lead to deaths, such as truck accidents. Here are some of the recent headlines from our area:
• First Coast News: 13-Year-Old Girl Dies After Tractor-Trailer Strikes Sedan In Columbia County
• Tampa Bay Times: Motorcyclist From Largo Killed After Hitting Tractor-Trailer On I-275 In Tampa
• MSN: Arizona Man Killed In North Naples Crash Involving Tractor-Trailer Friday morning
Financial Challenges Can Arise After Wrongful Deaths
When loved ones pass away in tragic truck accidents, their surviving family members sometimes inherit their debts. For instance, a wife may need to take care of her husband's medical bills if he received treatments before dying. She will also need to come up with funds to cover the funeral, burial, or cremation. All the while, she grieves and tries to deal with the loss of income and raise their kids too.
Floridians who find themselves in similar situations might be entitled to fair compensation if some form of negligence played a role in their loved ones' accidents. Perhaps the truck driver was texting while driving, falling asleep at the wheel, or operating the vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Then again, maybe an unsafe truck was to blame.
Taking on a trucking company is no easy task. The organizations usually have lawyers standing by to discredit claims and prevent them from paying substantial sums to victims. They sometimes refuse to pay for injuries and wrongful deaths. On other occasions, people are offered low settlements just to make the problems go away. Individuals who accept the offer often discover later on that the amount given to them is not enough.
Professional, Trustworthy, And Friendly Representation Is Only A Phone Call Away
Thankfully, surviving relatives in Port Charlotte, Fort Myers, and other surrounding locations can avoid issues by hiring an accident lawyer from All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. Our attorneys are highly regarded among peers and have enjoyed great success fighting on behalf of Florida’s injured. They build strong cases against drivers and companies with witness statements, black box data, cell phone records, driver histories, and more.
People have enough on their plates after their loved ones pass away in truck accidents without having to come up with the money for lawyers. That is why we offer free consultations. After all, folks shouldn't have to empty their bank accounts just to find out if they have legitimate claims. Plus, clients only have to pay for our services if compensation is recovered. Still, that money comes from a percentage of the winnings and not out of pocket.
Allow us to help if a family member dies in a truck accident. No amount of cash will ever make up for what you lost. However, the funds can prove to be helpful in lots of ways. So please don't hesitate to contact our office and schedule your free case evaluation today.