Trampoline Injuries On The Rise

Trampoline Parks
Part of the spike in injuries is thought to be based around the fact that a lot of trampoline parks are popping up. They advertise free jumping times as well as exercise classes and dodgeball tournaments. All of these activities sound really fun, but you need to participate with caution. One wrong jump can send you directly to the emergency room.
How Can An Injury Occur?
- Exposed springs on the edges of the trampoline- These are usually covered with padding, but with all the people jumping at a park, the springs can become exposed and cause risk for injury.
- Flips and somersaults gone bad- Attempting a flip or a somersault on a trampoline is more complicated than it sounds. The ground has give, making it more difficult to stick a landing.
- Trampolines on uneven ground- A trampoline needs to sit flat on the ground in order to properly distribute the weight of the person jumping. If it is not set on uneven ground, there is a good chance that one bounce could send the whole thing flipping over. The person jumping on the trampoline can be severely injured if this happens.
- Too many people jumping at once- Trampolines come with a weight limit for a reason. If too many people are jumping on the surface at once, it could split or rip under too much weight. Every trampoline is different, so it is important to adhere to the safety guidelines. Trampoline parks should have these posted somewhere for you to see.
What Kinds Of Injuries Are Most Common?
The majority of injuries that happen on a trampoline are to the lower limbs. 59% of emergency room visits for trampoline injuries are for fractured legs. This comes from improper landings or falling. 34% of ER visits are from fractured elbows. Another 18% are for fractured forearms from trying to break a fall. Other types of injuries that are seen include concussions from jumping into each other, head and neck injuries, sprains and strains.
Follow The Safety Rules
The best way to have fun is by staying safe. Be sure to follow all of the safety rules that are posted in the park. If they say only one person at a time, there is a reason for that and it should be followed. Teach your kids to jump away from other people who are jumping to avoid crashing into one another. Also teach them to jump away from the springs in order to keep feet from getting caught up in the springs. By teaching your kids the ways to be safe, you can have a better time and feel more confident when visiting a trampoline park.
If you have been injured in a trampoline park, it may be time to take action. All Injuries Law Firm is here to help. Let us take a look at your case and help you determine the best way to take action. You should not be stuck with high medical bills from an accident that is not your fault. Give us a call today or sign up for a free case review on our home page.