Traumatic Brain Injury Is Always A Risk On Florida's Roads

In the worst cases, however, accidents can lead to serious physical injury or even death.
In some cases, the injuries, while survivable, may even create permanent, lasting effects. Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is one of these potential injuries that can have lasting, adverse effects.
What It Is
As the name suggests, traumatic brain injury is a physical shock to the head. The force is applied strong and fast enough to either rattle the brain within the skull, causing it to impact the skull itself or, in the worst cases, pierce the skull and penetrate the brain.
TBI is one of the most difficult injuries to diagnose and treat because, unlike a broken bone, or a damaged organ, there are many potential consequences of this injury. The brain, after all, is the control center of the entire body. The brain regulates autonomic functions like breathing and heartbeat. However, conscious actions, like coordinating the hands and feet for driving, or recalling a phone number, are also located in different parts of the brain.
This means that depending on where TBI occurs; the results could be anything from lost memory to compromised reflexes.
The Symptoms
TBI has a vast range of different symptoms. However, in the aftermath of an accident, there are some immediate symptoms to keep an eye out for. These short term indicators are:
• Loss of consciousness or decreased awareness
• Loss of memory shortly before or after the event
• Deficiencies such as loss of vision, muscle control/loss, or inability to speak
• Impaired thinking, such as disorientation, slow thinking, or difficulty focusing
These symptoms, along with visible trauma to the head or even bleeding, are strong indicators that some kind of TBI may have occurred. A thorough medical examination is recommended, but even then, the full extent of the TBI may not be known for some time. Additional symptoms may surface at a later time, including:
• Continuing cognitive difficulties
• Uncontrolled emotional responses or outbursts
• Headaches
• Vomiting
• Lethargy
• Impaired sexual performance
• Loss of bowel or bladder control
• Compromised reflexes or precision control
• Vision difficulties, such as sensitivity to light
• Paralysis
• Dizziness and balance problems
And many, many more. Unfortunately, the nature of the brain controlling so many aspects of the body means that a massive range of possible side-effects can occur.
The Causes
Any impact to the head can cause TBI. Some of the most common causes of TBI are:
• Sporting Accidents
• Car Accidents
• Slips & Falls
If you or someone you know is the victim of TBI due to someone else’s negligence, get professional legal help. TBI can be a costly, lifelong condition, and you may require—and be owed—financial compensation by whoever allowed or caused that TBI injury to happen.
We can help in this regard. Talk to a traumatic brain injury attorney to find how to deal with your situation.