Types Of Medical Malpractice

Doctor Errors
Doctors errors occur when a doctor treats a patient without the competency required for the treatment. These errors can also occur if the doctor is negligent or distracted. Doctor errors can also concern prescribing the wrong medication or a dangerous dosage. Doctor errors can also happen during surgery, childbirth, the administration of anesthesia, and any other form of medical practice.
Surgical Errors
Surgical errors happen during surgery. Surgical errors are the result of a surgeon lacking the competence to perform the procedure, distractions, or can be deliberate. Surgical errors can also occur as a product of misdiagnosis and the surgeon does not do their due diligence to ensure they are performing a necessary or appropriate procedure.
Nurse Errors
Nurse errors are like doctor or surgical errors but happen under nurse care. Like other medical errors, if a nurse lacks the competence for treating the patient or makes an error due to distraction or negligence that is consider a nurse error.
Misdiagnosis is a form of doctor error and is when a doctor has misdiagnosed the injury or illness and has recommended an inadequate or inappropriate treatment plan. Misdiagnosis can be the result of inexperience, distraction, or even deliberate.
Delayed Diagnosis
Delayed diagnosis is when a doctor or hospital has delayed the diagnosis leading to a patient not receiving treatment in time. A delayed diagnosis can happen when a doctor does not have enough knowledge to quickly diagnose an illness or injury, but can also be a product of administrative practices that lead to a delay.
Early Discharge
Early discharge happens when a doctor or hospital discharges a patient before their care is complete. An early discharge can be the result of doctor error, or it can be a product of hospital administration policies. Further if a medical staff fails to perform all the standard testing for the complaint, illness, or injury or have not scheduled a necessary follow-up that can also be considered early discharge.
Patient Abandonment
Patient abandonment is when a doctor terminates the doctor-patient relationship without reasonable notice. Without notice, an injured or sick party’s condition can unnecessarily worsen before finding replacement or alternative care. Short or understaffed medical facilities and scheduling appointments with too much time in between can also be considered patient abandonment.
Vaccine Injuries
Vaccine injuries are injuries stemming from vaccinations. Vaccine injuries are regulated by the federal government to ensure that medical malpractice suits do not hinder the development of vaccines. There are only certain vaccines that are covered by law and tend to be related to certain known side effects and injuries from that specific vaccine.
Dental Malpractice
Dental care is a type of medical care so it falls under medical malpractice. If a dentist has made an error, misdiagnosed the problem, or any of the other medical malpractice issues that impact patients, it is considered dental malpractice.
Hospital Negligence
Hospital negligence is when the hospital or care facility does not provide safe conditions for their patients. Unsanitary conditions, neglected maintenance, and broken or unsafe machinery or tools are all considered under hospital negligence.
These are just some of the types of medical malpractice that can negatively impact your health, safety, and well being. If any of these circumstances have negatively affected you or your family, you may have a case for medical malpractice lawsuit. If you think you may have a case, contact the helpful, dedicated attorneys at All Injuries law firm for a free consultation today!