Understanding Distracted Driving In Florida

But when you're involved in an accident that was caused by someone else, it can be incredibly frustrating. Not only will you have to physically recover, but the mental and emotional stress can take a toll as well. And when you have large medical bills as a result of the accident, it's even more difficult to make a full recovery.
One of the biggest risks to drivers today is distracted driving, especially that which is caused by cell phone use. Mobile device use causes over 1.5 million traffic accidents every single year, and more than 330,000 of those accidents lead to major injuries or death. It's a growing problem, and something that isn't often given the attention it deserves.
Florida Distracted Driving Regulations
The majority of states now have distracted driving laws in place to prevent these types of accidents. Florida is among them, but the laws aren't as strict as they could be and aren't much when compared to other states. In Florida, the laws are:
- It's legal to use a mobile device to talk on the phone while driving
- It's illegal to text while driving under Florida Statute 316.305
- The initial fine for a first offense of texting and driving is a ticket of $30
- Subsequent offenses can lead to points being added to a license and even to a suspension of one's license.
However, the tricky part is that those who are texting while driving can't be pulled over solely for doing so. They have to be pulled over due to something else - speeding, running a red light, swerving, and so on. As such, it isn't easy for a driver to be held accountable for their distracted driving.
Your Rights Following An Accident
While Florida PIP coverage is designed to provide you with insurance coverage in the event of an accident - even one caused by a driver who is distracted - you may still need to seek additional compensation for your injuries.
This is because PIP coverage will only do so much, and in many instances even your own insurance provider may resist giving you the compensation that you need. And when your accident was caused by a distracted driver, knowing your additional rights is important.
Under Florida law, you can seek financial compensation for your injuries if you can show the courts that your accident was caused by the negligent or reckless behavior of the other party. Distracted driving is a perfect example of this, and if you can prove that your injuries are a result of this, you may be able to receive financial restitution for things including:
- Lost wages due to time missed at work
- Medical bills
- Future potential medical costs
- Personal property damage
- Pain and suffering
- Punitive damages
However, you'll need to be able to prove your case. With our professional Florida accident lawyers on your side, you'll get faster results and be able to show the insurance companies that you deserve what you're asking for.
Your attorney will fight for your rights and use all the resources they have available to show that your injuries were sustained through the recklessness of the other part. Often, this results in an out of court settlement since the other side won't wish to go to court. But if your case is taken to court, your legal team will argue your case and get you what you're owed. The bottom line is simple - if you're injured due to a distracted driver's reckless actions, you deserve compensation. We can help you get it.