Understanding The Jeep Cherokee Transmission Recall

This issue was quietly made public in the same way as most auto recalls, with an official announcement and then letters being sent out to all who owned the affected vehicles. But what catapulted it into the spotlight was the death of actor Anton Yelchin, one of the stars of the recently rebooted Star Trek series. His death is believed to be linked directly to this most recent problem, and it is likely that he was about to receive a recall letter regarding the issue.
The Problem
Unlike some other recalls, this one isn’t directly related to a manufacturer’s defect. Instead, the system is working as intended but the problem is that the gear selector is designed in a confusing way – it can cause it to appear as though the vehicle is in park when in actuality it isn’t. Instead, those who select ‘drive or park’ gears will notice that the gear selector returns to the original position. This makes it very difficult to spot clearly what gear it’s in.
Authorities believe that this could be the cause of Yelchin’s death – he assumed the vehicle was in park as he exited it, only to have it roll down his driveway and pin him between it and a pillar.
Recall Basics
In the case of Yelchin, the problem existed but the automaker hadn’t yet alerted the public to it. That is the key thing to understand where vehicle recalls are concerned as they relate to seeking financial compensation for injuries – what kind of steps have been taken.
Under Florida law, you won’t be able to seek financial compensation for injuries sustained in an accident if you were aware or should have been aware of the problem. For example, if multiple letters have been sent to you regarding the recall and you choose to ignore them, that means that you are accepting responsibility for the issue and the risks that come with it.
This means that when you receive a recall notice, you need to take steps to correct it as soon as possible. Doing so helps keep you safe and ensures that problems won’t occur.
However, if you are involved in an accident and after the event happens a recall occurs, it is possible that you could seek financial compensation for your injuries. In the case of Yelchin, for example, a wrongful death lawsuit could be possible depending on all of the circumstances.
For now, a fix is on the way for the Jeep Cherokee gear shift problem. That doesn’t help those who have already had their lives impacted by the issue, however.
Each Case Is Different
Personal injury law is complex, and it’s important to understand that each case is unique – especially when it involves recalls. You’ll want an attorney to review your case and help you understand more about what your options are. But the basic thing to understand is that you’ll always want to act on recalls when they are announced. Otherwise, you’re essentially losing the right to seek compensation.
Our team has a long history of assisting with personal injury accident law and with cases involving recalled products. We have offices throughout the state of Florida and a proven track record of fighting for the rights of our clients. If you’ve been injured due to a defect in a product or vehicle that was recently recalled, contact our team today.