Understanding Your Social Security Benefits

Today, we will go over social security benefits to help you gain more of an understanding. It is also valuable information to have in case your social security claim has been recently denied.
Who Is Eligible?
The eligibility requirements for social security benefits will vary depending on the benefit type, the person's age, and if any dependents are being claimed. One general requirement, however, does exist.
The person whose earnings are recorded must have worked in covered employment for a sufficient amount of years. This means that the worker needed to earn work credits by the time they want to claim their retirement benefits.
For social security retirement benefits, the person must be between 62 and 70 years old before they can begin to collect their benefits. You can always go online and check your availability if you are unsure.
How Are Benefit Amounts Calculated?
When we get into calculating benefit amounts, it can get pretty complicated. The amount you receive depends on an average formula based on yearly reported earnings since you had begun working. Depending on your age, however, the calculations are different.
If you are 62 years of age or become disabled before December 31st of 1978, then the dollar value is averaged based on total past earnings. The amount you receive monthly is based on that average amount earned.
Can I Work and Collect Benefits?
Yes. You can still work and collect retirement, dependent, or survivor benefits. Many people who are well past retirement age continue to work and earn money without losing any of their social security benefits.
However, before you reach the full retirement age, the money will be subtracted from your check by Social Security until you reach the appropriate age.
What If I Have Been Denied for Social Security or SSI Disability Benefits?
If you recently applied for social security or supplemental security income (SSI) and you were denied for medical reasons, then you can easily request an appeal of that decision online. Or, if you don't want to go through the appeals process, you can then use Form SSA-561, a Request for Reconsideration, instead.
It is advised that you appeal a denial immediately, well ahead of the 60-day deadline they have set. Many people choose to follow through with this process themselves, while others choose to hire a knowledgeable attorney who can help them navigate the complicated waters of social security.
How Many Times Can Social Security Deny Me?
Many people are denied social security at least twice. However, there is no real guide when it comes to this. It all really depends on the quality of the evidence you can submit during the appeals process and the preparation of your case.
Many will even be denied at their hearing before things can go any further, which is all the more reason why you should seek counsel from a knowledgeable attorney.