Were You Recently Struck And Injured By A Motor Vehicle?

There are also club hoppers who use their feet to get from one place to the next, getting their drink and dance on. Doing so ensures that they do not drive under the influence of alcohol, which everybody can appreciate. The point is that Florida pedestrians are everywhere regardless of the time of day or night. The majority of those individuals obey laws and use crosswalks to prevent catastrophes with cars.
Even pedestrians taking extra safety precautions are not always safe, though. All it takes is for driver negligence to occur for people’s lives to change forever, and not in a good way. When cars strike walkers, joggers, runners, or any type of pedestrian, severe injuries can quickly come to fruition. Damages often include the following:
• Fractures And Broken Bones
• Brain Injuries
• Loss Of Limbs
• Harsh Burns
• Lacerations And Punctures
Florida Is No Stranger To Pedestrian/Car Crashes
According to the FLHSMV, the Sunshine State accounted for 9,356 pedestrian crashes in 2018, which led to 7,935 injuries and 720 fatalities. In 2017, there were 9,420 incidents, 8,126 injuries, and 659 deaths. The research also reveals that 2016 was responsible for 9,102 strikes, 667 fatalities, and 7,796 fatalities. Unfortunately, things aren't much better today. People just have to turn to local news outlets to see headlines like these:
• Orlando Sentinel: Several Crashes Snarl Central Florida Roads; Pedestrian Killed
• Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Pedestrian Killed In Crash On Bee Ridge Road In Sarasota County, FHP Says
• Patch: Pedestrian In Critical Condition After Being Hit By Car On 34th
Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney Following A Pedestrian Crash
People who sustain significant damages after getting struck by a car may be entitled to fair compensation. The same can be said for families who lose loved ones in such events. It is not uncommon for insurers to deny injury claims and give folks the runaround, though, even if there is no doubt that their clients were negligent. Negligence takes many forms. It can include speeding, distracted driving, failing to obey traffic signals, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Insurance companies deny injury claims and refuse payments. They offer low settlements that are anything but fair. If victims do not agree to them, insurers use delay tactics, hoping that they run out of money and change their minds. Injured parties and families often end up undergoing financial hardship because of those antics. After all, the medical bills required to recover can pile up in a hurry. Plus, lost income makes it challenging for them to pay rent or put food on the table.
Floridians do not have to accept that fate. Instead, they can put stellar legal representation on their side to fight for what is right and just. Our firm has been committed to helping Florida's injured for more than 30 years, and we will happily do the same for you. Don't get stuck with a mountain of debt because of someone else's negligence. Instead, give us a call and schedule a free case evaluation to see where your claim stands. Our team will fight tooth and nail on your behalf to recover the compensation you deserve.