What Are The Leading Causes Of A Wrongful Death In SW Florida?

While there is no certain way to avoid these, exercising caution by being aware of its causes could still keep you out of harm’s way. With that said, here are the leading causes of wrongful deaths.
• Car Accidents - Roads and highways are the most common places for accidents. There are also various reasons that could lead to auto accidents such as distracted driving, road traffic rules violation, losing control of the vehicle, road rage, and perilous weather. Car collisions often result in grave and permanent injuries. Whatever the case, car accidents are among the top causes of wrongful death cases with thousands of fatalities every year.
• Pedestrian Accidents - The road is not only dangerous for motorists but also for pedestrians. Even when they are in supposedly safe zones that they could use freely such as sidewalks and crosswalks, negligent drivers and other careless reasons would lead pedestrians into an accident that they could barely survive. For instance, people who would suddenly run toward the road because they are in a hurry could be hit by an oncoming vehicle.
• Workplace Accidents - Dangerous work sites like construction zones and warehouses are no stranger to accidents happening from time to time. However, these accidents could lead to wrongful death due to faulty equipment, acquired health conditions from the hazardous environment, or neglected amenities that could cause harm.
While construction zones are common places for work-related accidents, office spaces are also not exempted. Even buildings and indoor offices have their own dangers like faulty wires, uneven stairs, and old furniture. Nevertheless, most of the time employers would either ignore or fail to spot hazardous objects in the workplace, and these could lead to accidents and untimely deaths.
• Defective Items - Defects in design and manufacturing could definitely harm a product’s users. When objects are not used correctly due to misleading instructions, or if they break and cause injuries and wounds, then there are also high chances of them causing wrongful deaths. The most common situations where defective items led to fatal accidents are car manufacturing defects such as broken airbags, broken seatbelts, and broken car engines. This in turn would also lead to a road accident.
What Is A Wrongful Death?
Before taking any further steps, it is important to know what exactly a wrongful death is. Wrongful deaths happen when death is the result of a negligent act or with an intent to cause harm to another person. The immediate family members of the decedent could file a wrongful death lawsuit and get claims for damages like loss of companionship, loss of support from the decedent’s finances, grief, medical expenses, and funeral costs.
To help you with your wrongful death lawsuit, seek a lawyer who could do all the preparations for you so you could take the time to recover.