What Can A Social Security Disability Lawyer Do For Me?

Your social security disability lawyer is knowledgeable about the application process, and they are well aware of the bumps in the road that may arise along the way. They act as the line of communication between you and the social security administration, ensuring that every exchange is clear and concise and giving you your best chance at approval.
The social security administration speaks a certain language that you may not be familiar with when applying for social security disability for the first time. They’re going to use terminology you may have never encountered, but your social security disability lawyer knows exactly what certain terms mean and how you can best respond to them.
What Your Lawyer Will Do
Your social security disability lawyer will do a great deal more than help you with communication. They will also:
• Review your case – Your case is the most important part of your social security disability application. Your approval or denial rides solely on it, and you’ll want to make sure that it is structured in the best way possible. Your social security disability lawyer will review your case from start to finish, making any necessary additions or changes as they see fit. Afterward, they can inform you of the best possible path to take.
• Collect and sort medical evidence – When you’re suffering from an illness or injury, evidence collection is both an important task and an overwhelming one. An injury resulting in permanent disability leads to a long medical record, and you’ll want to make sure you have all the pieces intact and organized. Your social security disability lawyer will be able to collect and sort through the medical evidence to ensure you’ll present a strong case with the evidence to back it up.
• See to it that your application is completed correctly – Social security disability applications are anything but simple, and it can be easy to get confused while completing the process. Your social security disability lawyer will ensure that your application is not only complete but done correctly to raise your chances of getting approved.
• Keep communication – Throughout the application and approval process, your social security disability lawyer will keep communication with the social security administration. The volume of claims received by the administration each year is enormous, and your lawyer can make sure your application will not fall through the cracks.
• File necessary appeals – In some instances, your perfectly legitimate claim will be denied by the social security administration, but this doesn’t mean the fight needs to be over. Less than 40% of applicants are approved after completing their first attempt, which means that the rest will need to file appeals to get the money they deserve after an accident. Your social security disability lawyer can file any necessary appeals to ensure your application is given a fair chance.