What Happens If You Are In An Accident With An Uninsured Driver In Port Charlotte

Get The Insurance Coverage You Need
Before hitting the road, make sure that you are protected against uninsured drivers. Auto insurance companies offer a specific type of coverage called “Uninsured Motorist” (UM). UM is usually a standard coverage on most policies. Florida requires a minimum of $10,000 in UM. However, $10,000 will not go very far after an accident to cover the cost of vehicle damage and physical injuries. Most insurance agents will recommend a minimum of $100,000 in UM. This is an excellent coverage amount to get when you live in Florida because of the rate of uninsured drivers. Speak with your insurance agent and they will recommend a good amount for your area.
Another option to add to that is Underinsured Motorist (UIM). UIM is designed for when you get into an accident with someone and they have insufficient insurance to cover all the damages. This will also help protect you if your driver is uninsured. Unfortunately, just as many drivers do not have enough insurance as there are drivers that do not have insurance.
What To Do In An Accident With An Uninsured Driver
If you’re in an accident and discover the other driver does not carry insurance, here is what to do:
● Contact the police and file a police report
● Trade information with the other driver
● Document the accident and injuries
● Contact your insurance company and let them know the other driver has no insurance
● See your physician to get checked out for any injuries
The steps are pretty much the same as following any accident. However, a key difference is the police will also usually write the other driver a ticket as it is illegal to have no insurance in Florida.
Filing A Claim After An Accident With An Uninsured Driver
Filing a claim is a challenge after an accident with an uninsured driver. Mostly, you will be relying on the coverages available from your insurance company. Here are some of the coverages that could go toward paying for the damages:
● UM/UIM: UM/UIM will pay for the damages caused by the other driver.
● Personal Injury Protection (PIP): PIP goes to paying medical bills regardless of who is at fault for the accident.
● Collision (COLL): Collision with comprehensive (COMP) is known as “full coverage.” COLL will pay for any damage to the vehicle regardless of fault.
You can also help pay for the injuries with your health insurance policy.
Speak With An Attorney
Dealing with the damages caused by an uninsured driver can be tough. However, with the help of an attorney, you will have more options. Attorneys will help you determine where the money will come from. They will also look at other factors impacting the accident like road conditions and vehicle manufacturing errors to see if there are any other at-fault parties. They will then put together all the evidence and fight for your right to a full and fair settlement. Just make sure to work with an attorney that has a lot of experience with uninsured motorists.
The team at All Injuries Law Firm can help. For over three decades, we’ve been helping Port Charlotte auto accident victims. We know what to do when the at-fault driver does not carry insurance. We’ll fight to protect your rights. Give us a call today or chat with us right on our website to learn how we can help you.