What If You Got Struck By A Car?

With any luck, southwest Floridians will be able to avoid pedestrian accidents in their lifetime. However, with more and more people using their feet to get from place to place, episodes are sure to happen now and again. Unfortunately, the disturbances already take place more often than some people believe, though. Research from Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reveals that there were 9,356 pedestrian crashes in 2018. The outcomes were not very good either as the accidents led to 720 fatalities and 7,935 injuries.
For these purposes, this post will concentrate on the latter. No two incidents are ever the same. Hence, damages vary on a case by case basis. Many times, the wounds are significant and take the victim years and years to recover from. Some of the common injuries associated with pedestrian crashes include but are not limited to...
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Burns
• Fractures/Broken Bones
• Loss Of Limbs
• Internal Organ Damage
What If Driver Negligence Caused The Accident?
On many occasions, but not all, driver negligence can be the reason behind why a pedestrian got struck. For example, motorists regularly use their cell phones while behind the wheel, even though laws strictly prohibit them from doing so. If one glances down to read a text, or check out a social media post, only for a brief moment, he or she might swerve onto the shoulder and hit a person minding their own business.
Another example would be if a motor vehicle operator were speeding, failed to slow down at a red light, and collided with someone attempting to use the crosswalk legally. Various other things are considered negligent and reckless too. However, there are way too many to list here. Thus, if you are the victim in a pedestrian crash, and sustain severe injuries, don't hesitate to contact our office to schedule a free case review. The action will allow you to discover where your claim stands without having to break the bank.
If it can be proven that the other driver was negligent, you might be entitled to fair compensation for your damages. The restitution helps people pay for expenses such as medical, therapy, and other bills. Amounts vary from one case to the next, too. Some of the factors that play a role in determining how much compensation gets awarded are...
• Medical Expenses
• Pain And Suffering
• Current And Future Lost Wages
• Property Damage
Insurers Do Anything And Everything To Payout The Smallest Amount Of Compensation Possible
Even when there is no doubt that an insurance company's client was at-fault for the pedestrian accident, the representatives pull out all the stops to get the victim to settle for an unfair and unjust amount of money. To begin with, such organizations start by offering the injured party a low-ball settlement. Often, persons agree to these offers because they do not know any better and don't have stellar legal representation in their corners. Then, they find out the hard way that the restitution is not even enough to cover their medical expenses, let alone anything else.
Insurance agents like to drag their feet when it comes to paying out as well. In delaying, delaying, and delaying some more, it is the company's belief that the victim will run out of funds and have to settle for a smaller figure. Don't let these places take advantage of you in your time of need. Instead, give us a call and allow our team to fight for the compensation that you deserve.